Now I’m not as ruled by pain,( famous last words, or tempting fate?) this week I’ve started to try and get on with things, physio as usual for hips, but also help with some jobs around the house, as I like to try some independence. Such as making my own coffee with my left hand, doing some tidying up, washing clothes etc. I’m sure those that live alone are way more independent than I am. Honestly I could not have got through this first 2 weeks without the help and support of my husband. He’s been a lifesaver. My movement today on Youtube shorts

Getting used to the cast is also a Biggie, as I get claustrophobic if a jumper clings too much, so I know mentally having a cast is a challenge for me. But I’ve found ice keeps intrusive thoughts away, and exercising the fingers, or distracting myself with a good movie. Celebrate each day as a victory and a day closer to 20th may. One week down 5 more to go!!

My mission this week is to ditch as many doses as I can, I’ve stopped the morphine as it wrecks your tummy, and you don’t get many either so had to wean off. But I’d like to ditch the extra tramadol too. And to get out and about. I feel like I’ve been too trapped indoors. Admittedly rain is the biggest culprit, I’m terrified about getting the cast wet 🥺 but I have bought this cast cover just in case, as we have a camping adventure to do in may. I got it super cheap from Asda Available here

So far I keep failing at night with pain relief, unless I take morphine, which just isn’t an option, had to swap it for tramadol and hope for the best. As with tramadol it either lets you sleep, or it keeps you up all night 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ but you never know which it will be.

I’m also experimenting with sleeping positions, as perhaps if I’m not bolt upright perhaps I’d sleep better. I’ve had the odd night success of sleeping on my side and not taking pain meds, but I need it to be consistent. A goal to work towards for sure. Especially for camping coming up in a few weeks time. Both excited yet terrified.

*side note* the operated Elbow is really giving me a lot of pain and weakness, some days trying to lift a duvet is so painful, I don’t know what I’ve done, I did have this pain before surgery, but since surgery it’s got worse

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized

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