#ADGIFTED all thoughts and opinions are my own, I usually choose books in the genre I enjoy, this year I’m stepping out of my comfort zone more.

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Length: 819 Pages

Publication Date: 8th August 2023

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Sorrow in paradise

A parent’s worst nightmare

When grief drives one to revenge

Living in a tropical paradise with his spouses and kids, Amiere is a merchant of light, a sculptor who carves glowing crystals into spectacular and powerful, demon-killing works of art. When the ground opens up near his idyllic village to reveal a massive supply of crystals, the whole nation of Aloutia celebrates. The merchants are guaranteed money for decades and officials predict Aloutia will be safe from demonkind for generations. But Amiere isn’t rejoicing—when the ground split apart, his seven-year-old daughter fell to her death.

Amiere’s grief turns to rage when an old enemy returns to the village with a young daughter displaying signs of starvation and abuse. Having witnessed his own daughter’s death, Amiere cannot bear the thought of watching another child die, especially when he can prevent it. Unable to ask police for help due to the village’s reputation of hostility toward authority figures, Amiere takes matters into his own hands, even at the risk of being exiled and separated from his family forever.

About the Author:

Erika McCorkle, she/her, lives in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. She is a creator of fantasy worlds and a voyager to the worlds created by others. She spends much of her free time writing, reading, watching anime, and playing video games, all usually of the fantasy genre. She has Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and currently works the night shift at a blood bank, meaning she is most definitely a vampire.
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My Review

I haven’t read a book like this for many many years, it’s whole world building and requires full attention, imagination and creativity. I have discovered this is a book two so I would recommend reading book one, though you can grasp the basics on book two. I just think for greater understanding and enjoyment then don’t jump into book two. As I have gotten older I prefer more light easy reads, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy this. It also features grief heavily, and as a griever myself it was slightly triggering as those feelings are buried deep, so close to the surface and little things can set it off. But it’s worth being forewarned if you think the subject matter is not for you.

It will sound like I didn’t enjoy this book, but that’s not true, I did, but it’s complex in answering, as there are elements I didn’t enjoy. I HATE sex and anything remotely erotic in books, it’s a personal pet peeve. Though I know others don’t mind it. So I can’t mark it down just for something I don’t like. The amount of concentration needed, I didn’t feel I had all the time, which is a shame, for a young adult it’s perfect though. They are like sponges with knowledge, I’m more old dog new tricks kinda of reader now.

Slow pace but that’s needed with how involving and ambitious it is, think Tolkien world building. Impressive author

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