Monday night last week we started our pilgrimage to Glastonbury town, ready for Tuesday night going to the Tor to watch the sun go down and come up on the Solstice Day!!

We settled for arriving at tea time, grabbing some fish and chips and finding our spot. We saw Red Deer and Barn Owls in the distance, beautiful rural area. So peaceful and warm. Heavenly first night which we needed to give us good energies for the following day.

We gently stroll around the town, visit the shops, have a Glastonbury pasty (the best) walked to the spring to visit shrines and have our quiet moments with the goddess.

We gathered our strength and slow slow walked to the Tor, spurred on by the Shamanic drumming.

I can’t describe the pain, but I’ve taken my painkillers, I took it as slow as I could to not overheat as it was boiling!! And to be precise in each step. We make it by 9.30pm.

This year I barely took photos or videos, we were just living it instead. The whole night was absolutely incredible, meeting some awesome folks.

By morning the sun is coming up around 4.45am and it’s freezing cold (what a difference to the night) we had wanted to go to the Chalice well but it didn’t open until 6.30am and I had honestly reached my level of pain, tiredness and cold. So we headed down at 5.30am and grabbed some much needed sleep.

Our Wednesday was a beautiful relaxing day, we had sunshine and good company. Once more around the shops, soaking up the atmosphere and energies. Though now the town is getting busier with the festival goers.

We ended our adventures on Thursday, our plan was the Spring and Chalice Well, which we walked bare foot, something I’ve never done before. It was divine. From the previous day’s my feet had been sore and aching so of course we walked in the healing waters of the Red Spring.

Obviously now we are feeling it!! Home and resting solidly as it’s needed. While we were away my youngest daughter mini moon herself gave birth on Solstice Day and her boy was born. What a magickal day!

Car Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual