Well this month has sucked for weather, for increasing pain and having my Instagram hacked, goodbye Sirenmoonbee account. If you see it on insta please report and block it.

Usually July I’m on a high, the sun is shining, we go camping a lot, visit the sea a lot, and it’s my birthday. But this year it’s felt completely flat!! Mostly due to weather though. Without decent sunshine you can’t do a summer camp and seaside visits.

Its like October in July, but not in the nice Halloween code orange way 😞

Instagram though I have to admit I feel completely and utterly violated,all my private messages gone, my photos, my documented life, friends I’ve gathered over time. Poof gone in an instant (irony of that) and ZERO help from Meta or Instagram.

But we can’t fix what is now past. We just have to plod onwards and see the beauty in other things, and think as positively as we can. It may not be weather for seaside’s and camping, but perhaps we will do more walks instead, though my increased pain is hindering this sadly.

I’ve been making some earrings and bracelets recently, which is nice to do after thumb surgery. Not easy to do, but it’s coming along, so that’s my silver lining.

Life Update, Uncategorized

If you saw the previous post Here (Part One) you’d see why it was put into 2 parts, one as we got soaked in the rain, literally soaked to the skin. And this part two is after the rain. As stated after waiting in the car for a while and seeing a glorious double rainbow, we headed out again to finish our walk, though a lot colder than before.

We were rewarded with dazzling reds, burnt oranges and zingy yellows, a carpet of leaves and raging waterfalls galore. More of less had the area to ourselves as that rain had put most people off walking, which is a shame as it stayed pretty dry for the rest of our walk.

We ended our walk getting snuggly in the back of the car and warmed up with some warm food and coffee.

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

We had high hopes, the sun was shining and the wind had died down, off we set for a Peak District Adventure. Further we got away from home, the darker the clouds got. Oh well a bit of rain won’t hurt.

Totally Instagram worthy as they say, it’s a bit chilly and damp but all is well at the moment…. Until it was a complete deluge and we got soaked through our waterproof coats. Feet wet, trousers soaked it was awful. Retreat to drier areas to restock the day.

We sat in the car and got rewarded with a double rainbow, even could see the end of the rainbow too. Though where was the pot of gold?? Have I been lied too my whole life?

Sarnies in the car, dry off a bit, let the wind die down and head back out again soon

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

Haven’t done a successful wild camp since last year, so we decided to have a go again, and not too far from home. Our old favourite walks around the Roaches.

It wasn’t the best weather as we stepped out of the car, it had started a light rain, the one that soaks you through lol but onwards and upwards, I had forgotten how hard this walk was.

Mist rolled in and made the place look more bleak and atmospheric, like a scene from the Hound of the Baskerville’s. But within 10 minutes of finding a spot, the tent was up. Pitched not where we had originally wanted too, but the fading light and mist, forced us to pitch earlier than planned.

After a much needed Sweet Chilli Noodle pot and mars bars (aldis version Titan) we snuggled down to sleep, podcasts ready in the earphones (morbid and all killa no filla) let’s hope we can sleep?

Well sleep didn’t really happen, it was super windy and very rainy. So that made it hard to sleep, and we were on a slope too. Managed a maybe a couple of broken hours. But we were rewarded with the most beautiful morning!

We had a lovely coffee and sat around for a while, Mr Moon had a play on the drone and collected some stunning shots. At 10am we were all packed up and ready to collect a Trig. Didn’t think I was really up to walking, but the aches I had at night, had eased a bit and the walking was more flat than hilly. So we did that, and I was so proud of myself for doing it and digging deep for that trig.

We walked back the way we came, rather than doing a loop as usual. We were exhausted, and it felt good to do what we did without pushing it too far. Home for 2.30pm and I had a much needed brew and promptly fell asleep, must of needed that.

Arthritis, Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized

Had a small walk around Kinder Scout. The real Kinder is too high for me, so we stayed low and entered the area at a different angle, as we had heard about the waterfalls, and stream. Fairbrook and seal stones area.

We had planned swim gear, sun gear, sun cream. You name it we planned for a total dry day. And what happened it only went and rained all day as soon as we arrived. Not light drizzle either. Not what we had hoped for. This is putting a spanner in the works!

We saw lots of school events of walking and jumping upstream, but besides them we saw maybe 2 hikers all day. Views are stunning, but the terrain a little too much for me. We didn’t go far up as we knew we had planned a wild camp in the woods nearby.

Soaking wet,cold and muddy we headed off to the next location to see if it would dry up and we could have some tea.

Arthritis, Camping, Hip Replacement, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized