It’s finally Beltane, which kicks off our adventures into outdoors as it’s the first camping trip of the year.

We are off to a Beltane camp at the wonderful Thornborough Henge, and as it’s a fire festival, we will be around the communal fire celebrating with mead, fire, friends, and nature. Perfect.

Beltane can be celebrated by making ribbon and flower crowns, or making candles with flowers, flower bath salts and so much more. Or gather some we garlic and take woodland walks.

With our camp there will be story telling, singing, dancing and drumming, just what you need to honour the fae and spring spirits.

Get planting if you can, I don’t have a green thumb but this year I’m trying. I have some lavender, Clary sage and rosemary. I also have an abundance of bluebells and forget me nots.

Hope you all have a Blessed Beltane and this is the start of nice weather.

Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Sunday is the main day, and also our last full day. The Opening ceremony is on around midday. Here we will cast the circle and call the quarters, East, South, West and North and welcome them to witness the ritual, the Beltane fire needs to be lit, but first we have to chase off Jack Frost.

Handfasting weddings are done after the main fire is lit, this time we had 2 Beltane fires and we were all invited to walk through the two. This is to drive off the cleanse ourselves for the new energies, and new starts of spring.

The afternoon sadly became a wet fest, so we retreated to the tent for a while. Tidied up and got ourselves ready for some tea, and coffee to warm up. And once again put fire clothes on ready for the last night of fire dancing, drums and stories.

We watched the sunset in the henge, we felt the sun as it peeked out before going to its bed. The warmth on our skin was heavenly, a promise of better days to come. Can’t believe it’s all over already. Monday is a solely pack up and drive home day. I didn’t want it to end, but alas my body can’t wait for my bed and hot water bottle.

Camping, Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Where to start…. It was Friday and traveling day, we were packed high in the car and come 10am our journey began up North. Not the nicest of road trips and traffic was pretty bad as well.

Weather isn’t really the best, in fact it’s cold. But trying hard to not let it get to us and dampen our spirits.

Set up and ready for the weekend. Friday is a settling in day, there’s no communal fire this night (this year). We decided to go for a walk to the Southern Henge (as we have 3 henges, camping in the middle one.

After watching the Sun set we need to eat some food. so we have our Panang noodles (so HOT!!) Made my lips look like I’d had Botox!! And some marshmallows all toasted.

Had a terrible night’s sleep due to many factors but that was Day one completed.

Camping, Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual