If you saw the previous post Here (Part One) you’d see why it was put into 2 parts, one as we got soaked in the rain, literally soaked to the skin. And this part two is after the rain. As stated after waiting in the car for a while and seeing a glorious double rainbow, we headed out again to finish our walk, though a lot colder than before.

We were rewarded with dazzling reds, burnt oranges and zingy yellows, a carpet of leaves and raging waterfalls galore. More of less had the area to ourselves as that rain had put most people off walking, which is a shame as it stayed pretty dry for the rest of our walk.

We ended our walk getting snuggly in the back of the car and warmed up with some warm food and coffee.

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

We had high hopes, the sun was shining and the wind had died down, off we set for a Peak District Adventure. Further we got away from home, the darker the clouds got. Oh well a bit of rain won’t hurt.

Totally Instagram worthy as they say, it’s a bit chilly and damp but all is well at the moment…. Until it was a complete deluge and we got soaked through our waterproof coats. Feet wet, trousers soaked it was awful. Retreat to drier areas to restock the day.

We sat in the car and got rewarded with a double rainbow, even could see the end of the rainbow too. Though where was the pot of gold?? Have I been lied too my whole life?

Sarnies in the car, dry off a bit, let the wind die down and head back out again soon

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

It’s Monday and we’ve decided to get away and visit Padley Gorge in the Peak District. It’s a romantic fairy style woodland walk, and we were hoping to have a nice autumnal walk.

Through the quarry we amble, it feels ancient, quiet and eerie in its energies. And we found lots of mushrooms however the leaves aren’t as orange as we had hoped, but that just means I’ll have to come back again. Spooky in places, but I would totally wild camp here.

Didn’t find any chicken in the woods mushroom though I certainly had a damn good look for it. But we did find many others and I can’t wait to cross reference them in my foraging book. Didn’t pick any as I’m unsure of what is safe.

Beautiful buildings and ruins of a chapel were along the way, the drizzle rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the sights too much.

Into the woods it is whimsical along the river, as you can watch the water cascade and run in various places, the sound is constant and comforting, very lord of the rings fairy tale feeling. It’s my favourite part of this very varied walk.

Leaving the woods behind it opens up into moorland again and we are at the end of our walk, only owler rock to end on near the car park. A nice easy stroll for the day as the back pain is forever present, and hip isn’t feeling it’s best.

What a fabulous end to an incredible walk, weather was changeable, but we didn’t get too wet at the start, so that was goo. We had blue skies in the end.

Arthritis, Car Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Peak District Walks, Travel