Super late posting this up, as I’ve just had a super busy fortnight (two weeks I mean for non UK folk)

It’s been opened and even some bits used in the brief stay we had a home before setting off for Whitby adventures. But now I’m home from it all, I can now post it up properly with photos.

Altar curiosities had my mind going, it could have been all-sorts, and everything we got was perfectly curated. Beautiful engraved wood work, all matching as well. Hints of orange as well it’s October and orange has to be featured!

A beautiful ornate photo frame to add loved ones to the altar, or add a drawing of the ancestors or symbols to represent them. A perfect way to focus on them during ritual work.

Three mini spell bottles in Black (for protection, banishing, letting go) and Orange (for creativity, confidence, justice) great for small gemstone chippings, water, and herbs. Safely store them and add to altar if needed.

Little wooden altar platform, engraved wood. Use this to elevate your altar offerings, and small curiosities like gemstone chip bottles, or various herbs. Use this platform as a small casting table too.

Wooden incense and candle holder, often we get candles that are very slim and I don’t have a candle holder for these, so this is a very welcome addition. Also holds incense sticks or cones too. Engraving pattern matches the Altar platform.

Spell candle set a Trio of slim candles, Black for banishing, letting go and protection. Orange for confidence, justice, creativity, and White for purity, peace, or all magickal workings. These fit perfectly in the new holder above.

A Stone Casting Letting Go Ritual kit, inside there is an incense stick of Sandalwood, A white spell candle, A stone. Instructions included. A simple spell to cast away all your troubles, time to let go of things, whatever holds you back.

Incense sticks called Joyous Memories. These are Apple and Dandelion, meant to be lit and while you think of loved ones passed, envoke your happy memories of them, give gratitude and honour for times you had with them.

Gemstone of the month is Carnelian, a beautiful orange gemstone, use this to energise through the dark months, allow it to give you courage, and over come difficulties.

Pin of the month is a beautiful Warm autumnal pumpkin and candle badge, it embodies autumn entirely.

Parchment Scroll of the month is all about magickal altar pieces, like why do you have a bell, or how do you use a wand, or what to put in an offering dish. I put these in a folder, making a perfect Book of Shadows.

Art print of the month is a Hand holding an oracle set of cards, for Samhain is the time of divination. What do these three cards say? What do you think they will be?

Wonderful this month, loved having this waiting for me at home, and while I couldn’t really use in October as we were so busy, I certainly will be using over the next few months.

Code Orange Halloween 2023, Small Businesses, Uncategorized, Witch Boxes, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

We did a quick visit to TK Max and Homesense instead of just seeing them online, as it seems to be different to what’s online.

Tk max is above, I found it a little thin on the ground, some candles and dishes in, but not many pillows or blankets, which is what I was looking for.

Homesense however was more for ornaments and trinkets. I love them, but alas I don’t have much room for them, or the ability to keep dusting them,so I admire from afar instead. But maybe they will keep adding to the stores as we move through the months. 100days to Halloween as I wrote this on 23rd July.

I want to visit the Range and Next as I’ve seen they’ve got some amazing things online.

Code Orange Halloween 2023, Life Update, Uncategorized

If you saw the previous post Here (Part One) you’d see why it was put into 2 parts, one as we got soaked in the rain, literally soaked to the skin. And this part two is after the rain. As stated after waiting in the car for a while and seeing a glorious double rainbow, we headed out again to finish our walk, though a lot colder than before.

We were rewarded with dazzling reds, burnt oranges and zingy yellows, a carpet of leaves and raging waterfalls galore. More of less had the area to ourselves as that rain had put most people off walking, which is a shame as it stayed pretty dry for the rest of our walk.

We ended our walk getting snuggly in the back of the car and warmed up with some warm food and coffee.

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

We had high hopes, the sun was shining and the wind had died down, off we set for a Peak District Adventure. Further we got away from home, the darker the clouds got. Oh well a bit of rain won’t hurt.

Totally Instagram worthy as they say, it’s a bit chilly and damp but all is well at the moment…. Until it was a complete deluge and we got soaked through our waterproof coats. Feet wet, trousers soaked it was awful. Retreat to drier areas to restock the day.

We sat in the car and got rewarded with a double rainbow, even could see the end of the rainbow too. Though where was the pot of gold?? Have I been lied too my whole life?

Sarnies in the car, dry off a bit, let the wind die down and head back out again soon

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel