A new day and weather is improving from our first day in Padley Gorge seen here and here. So we make our sarnies and cappuccino flask, grab our bags and off we go, to quite possibly the most romantic place I’ve ever visited.

It’s Wyming Brook Nature Reserve, it used to be a Royal Hunting Forest. Now it’s home for dog walkers and photo togs. The colours are like fiery embers and the exact reason for our trip. We’ve previously been here in the Summer and it was outstanding then, but it’s even more magickal now.

We get some rain again, but handsomely rewarded for the second time in 2 days with a double rainbow, and able to see the end of the rainbow once again. It’s almost as if our loved ones are sending us a message from Heaven. I’d like to think so.

Everywhere we look there are photo opportunities if you like to take photos, it’s so Tolkien esque at times, middle earth would be at home here. We don’t walk much as it’s a very short walk, it’s more of a chance to embrace the river and all the waterfalls.

Body is worn out, pains are getting worse, but mentally I’m recharged and over the moon we got to absorb such beauty. We found off our day with some warm tea, a well deserved coffee and snuggle up with a movie. Honestly haven’t felt so content, weather is blowing a hoolie, but we are warm and exhausted and sleep easily.

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

It’s our last total lunar eclipse until 2025, and while emotions and challenges may run high, take time to reflect, and shed energies and things that don’t serve you.

With this Blood moon in mind we are spending time away to spend it in nature instead. Though the eclipse won’t be seen in the UK sadly, others will be able to bask in its red colour. It will be still magickal to be out and about, and seeing autumn’s fiery colours, and watch the moon rise.

The tarot card I pulled for today was 6 of Swords, which in itself says now is the time to have faith and take that leap into the unknown, and allow yourself to step away from things holding you back, or creating a toxic space in your life.

See the calm waters, and beautiful horizon? Warmth in the colours, the calmness of the waters show this is the perfect time, to acknowledge a need to shift in location, roles and journeys. Perfect card for today!! As we set off for a forest and moor adventure.
Car Camping, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Once in a while we come across a place that feels like home, though we’ve never visited before. And the energies just comfort and soothe the soul. And today we found such a place, I honestly thought I had walked into a Fairy Tale.

Crossing the stream we amble into the Forest, on the hunt for Fungi and Caves and crashing Waterfalls. And boy did we get exactly what we wanted.

The energies and feeling here were completely spiritual and deep, I cleansed our chakra crystal bracelets in the waters.

This was the last outing of our trip and the body wasn’t as willing as my mind. Pain was starting to overwhelm. But I do didn’t want to ever leave or stop exploring more. Damn this limitation, I definitely pushed it far too much overall, but I knew I could rest and recover for days once home (and I really have too)

The whole walk was in childlike wonder, the camera never stopped clicking, videos were taken of every aspect of cascading waters. A sound I will never tire of. A loving place, comforting place, one hard to explain.

We explored the Forest for an elusive cave, which we found after ages!! It was so difficult, but well worth it. Even though we screamed when we saw how big and fast the spiders were in there.

Car Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Peak District Walks, Travel