Did I learn from the scissors last week, oh hell no. Somehow in my infinite wisdom, I thought I could Hoover. Oh let me tell you, DON’T do that. I did try with my left, but it was simply too heavy. So massive fail. Right hand oddly stronger, I guess because dominant hand, but it did make it swell up and ache all day.

Back on the ice

But it’s not all doom and gloom, this last week we went out walking, I am a walking stick user, so I switched for a pole, and even managed some time using the pole in the right hand, now technically I’ve been told to not put weight through the hand for at least another month. But the strap on the walking pole is more wrist based, and felt fine. I will still baby it and not use my walking stick. But it was a victory I needed!!

Found using this egg, I could flex the tip of the thumb more. As this continues to be the hardest exercise to do. Video here to show it

So far this is how high I can do a thumbs up! I honestly think this is amazing, considering the fused angle of the MCP joint.

Most of all I’m loving being PAINFREE. To think 11 weeks ago I was in such pain that chopping off the hand was a viable idea, to now it’s incredible. So glad I did it.

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Oooft this poor hand and wrist has been through it, and while it’s been amazing, I have put this fusion through it. So far we’ve done 3 weeks of daily yoga, and it’s been making the wrist ache, and the thumb pad swell. But compression gloves and resting on hot water bottles have helped.

It’s not terrible and certainly nothing like pre op, just aches to note down and keep an eye on. I have to admit I’ve been impressed that I’ve been doing planks and downward facing dogs. So I can’t complain.

You tube video on left fusion

Due to the weather and cold snap we’ve had, I’ve noticed the swelling returning to the finger knuckles as well, so overall arthritis has been kicking my ass this week 😔

You tube video on pre op hand

Pre op hand is a whole different story, it’s immensely painful and starting to give way again when I hold things, or sting when I try to plug phone chargers in 🙄 roll on surgery date.

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Following on from my Psoas Steroid Injection on 2nd Jan, I’m recounting and journalling each day to monitor side effects and pain relief.

Day 8 – I was hit with my menstrual cycle, I usually suffer badly with dysmenorrhoea and this would explain my haywire emotions, and tears along with increased appetite. And while normal reactions when on a period, they were and have been greatly exaggerated, so the Kenalog has affected it. The headaches after a week are getting less pounding and less often, which is a huge relief. Hip psoas feels amazing, I’ve been able to do hip flexion and number four stretches without the gnawing groin pain which is heavenly.

Day 9 – Tested the hip with a hip flexion and holding it. Didn’t hold for long, but bringing it up to a 90degree angle was fantastic!! Bridges as well have been easier, and that thick, swollen heavy feeling has left the leg. Imagine if I could have this hip feeling this good forever?! If only. But a girl can dream and work hard for that.

Day 10 – Pain from periods is pretty intense and is making me just snuggle down with hot water bottles, and read a good book, or watch Agatha Christie all day. Though I’m still doing daily yoga, so the psoas gets worked each day. Thankful this isn’t flaring the psoas up, as usually my menstrual cycle would make the psoas worse. So that’s definitely a huge improvement. Headaches have definitely improved, which I’m super grateful for.

Day 11 – It’s the weekend and I’m seeing one of my elder daughters, have a catch up after Christmas and swap books etc. Hip is feeling good, feeling stronger in my Warrior 2s and Low Lunges. Feels so nice to feel stronger in the legs, I had missed this feeling. Very tight in the side when I lean over the right and push hips to the left, super achy. See below for the stretch I mean.

Day 12 – had a lovely relaxing bath (actually being able to get in and out with hip pain!) It’s been a preparation day today as it’s pre op tomorrow (for my thumb hand surgery) I’ve noticed the headaches I was having have now gone, that’s a massive relief. Now if this cycle could end too, then I’d be completely pain free then. Imagine that!! Yoga was hard today.

Day 13 – Hospital day!! Pre Op day for the Thumb this time. Feels like yesterday I was here for the steroid, but it’s nearly 2 weeks ago already. Last night we did some knee to chest and then extend the legs in our yoga session. Ooooft I felt that in the psoas area, but to reduce the pain I bent the leg more, did less reps so it stayed in a good form. Now the test is how it deals with today walking and traveling to the hospital. So far so good, considering how fatigued it was last night. Impressive.

Day 14 – this week has been a LOT better than the first week, I felt like I was crying everyday (I did have reason too, but felt that normally I would have suppressed it more) I actually didn’t feel like myself, I’m way more stoic and reserved!!) Still have one red cheek 🙄. The headaches finally let up, and I can beast the hip without worrying too much, so it’s nice to have this to build upon. We didn’t do yoga on day 13, as hospital trip wiped me out.

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It’s Pre Op day, and I’m back off to the ROH, to get all the checks and tests to prepare myself for my next surgery, it’s a plan to Stabilise the MCP joint, (will that be fused?) and Replace the CMC joint with a Silicone Spacer. I would have liked my middle finger stabilized too at the same time, but due to the complex nature of the thumb, the surgeon felt like this should be done at a separate time. Besides the oval 8 ring and finger compression do an excellent job.

Weirdly looking forward to a surgery date, as the Right thumb had become harder and harder to use, and pain is increasing. Needing to wear a splint daily especially at night for active rest.

It’s been 2 weeks since I had a Hip Psoas Steroid Injection, and according to my surgeon, I only need another 4 weeks before I’m allowed hand surgery. So that’s not long at all. However as we are balancing 2 surgeons and 2 waiting lists the likely hood is there will be a longer wait, but pre op covers you for 12 weeks.

Usual checks of your medical history, discuss the surgery to know you actually know what is planned, sometimes you will have urine sample needed, blood takes, heart check along with being weighed, and height checked. Pulse checked on bare feet, and hands, and a check to see how wide you can open your mouth. All run of the mill for me, and as I’ve had surgery under a year ago I didn’t need an MRSA swab.

All in took about an hour and 10 mins, so not too long. I’m handed my notes to remember, and paperwork about anaesthetic and after surgery care, and the green bag. Once you get this you are free to go home. Feels real once you get the green bag for surgery.

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It’s been a while since I last posted on the hand, mainly as it’s pretty much healed as it should be. However, I have now embarked on a journey to fix the Right hand, pre op is 15th January. And I’ve started our 30 days of yoga with Adriene on you tube, which starts 1st Jan. Find it Here each day a new one comes available, until you’ve done all 30 days. It’s a way to be accountable and proactive.

Doing yoga is our perfect way to kick start the year,clear out some mental blocks and get moving, but with a fused thumb it comes with challenges.

This is how flat I can get the fused hand down on the yoga mat, you could slip a finger underneath the palm, not ideal but one way I’ve had to adapt to do the things I love. If I’m doing some planks and the wrist is achy, I go down to forearms to be more stable.

Better angle to see how lifted it can be at times. But while it’s not perfect it’s functional and I rather this than that pain I had prior to surgery. Wonder how the other thumb will behave? That one is having a silicone replacement instead, so a whole different surgery, and recovery.

I wear these gloves off ebay, as they have a good grip, which helps me feel more confident on the mat. Find here

This weekend I have been practising colouring in with the left hand, to get more independence ready for surgery. Weirdly better at it that I thought, but still terrible at brushing my teeth with the left hand 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Starting to feel real now the pre op for the Right dominant hand is booked in for 15th Jan. Though it could be up to another 12 weeks, I’m sure time will fly by so fast regardless. Especially as Jan is packed full of hospital appointments, as the hip is having its own issues too.

Wonder how different the recoveries between the 2 hands will be? Especially as they are completely different surgeries too.

My friend on tiktok, has just had her dominant hand done same joint replacement I’m due to have too, and she said she wished she had practiced doing things solely with her left hand first, as even scrolling on the phone was difficult. So that is an excellent tip, so this week I’m going to start trying to use the left solely, to give myself a heads start and practice in.

My main things are typing messages, and blog posts. Brushing teeth, brushing my hair (that’s going to really hard) and phone scrolling. I think my phone actually has a one hand setting which will help too.

The CMC joint bone is sticking out and it often bruises now, I’ve took to wearing a brace often again. I forgot to ask about the dislocation rates in thumbs, something I am frightened of.

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We’ve finally got a date for the steroid, the hydro is rearranged and things feel like they are falling into place, after what seems like months of uncertainty. I must say it’s a weight off my shoulders and not too long to wait now either.

Ultrasound-guided steroid injection

Ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection is an effective treatment option for persistent pain associated with iliopsoas tendinopathy/bursitis (Garala et al., 2014 and Nunlet et al., 2009). During this guided technique a small amount of corticosteroid (powerful anti-inflammatory medication routinely used within injection therapy) is combined with a short-acting local anaesthetic. The consensus within the research states on average 10 to 12 weeks for a significant reduction in pain after receiving an ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection. This window of opportunity will enable you to maximise your rehabilitation.

I’m booked in for 2nd Jan 2024 and then on the 8th Jan I have my physio appointment which is talking first, then plans for intense hydro. Then pre op for hand 15th Jan and dental appointment 25th Jan. It seems to be shaping into a very busy month indeed.

For now, it’s move as I can and make plans for exercises to do once the injection is done, I’ve also signed up for the 30 days of yoga with Adriene programme that starts 1st Jan on YouTube, so this will help greatly too.

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As you may know that having Metal implants which are used in joint replacements, fracture reinforcement and spine fusions, these transfer heat and cold better than human tissue. Therefore those who have metal implants might feel the cold more in the implant area during lower temperatures.

This is due to the skin, body and brain being extra sensitive to heat loss and a cold, damp environment. When we get cold, our body generates heat to try to stay warm. And because our body is 60% water and water is hard to heat. Metal is dense and can hold heat. Meaning if metal in the body is covered by skin, like a plate in the ankle, thin skin is against thick metal competing for the heat.

Best way to to understand the relationship between skin and metal, is to think of the think of the Dumb and Dumber film where he puts his tongue on a frozen flagpole. Because the tongue is moist and it will begin to freeze immediately to the pole. The body will respond by pumping warm blood to the tongue in a process called conduction. However, we know metal is a better heat conductor than the tongue. So the metal takes the heat faster than the body can replenish it. (If you ever find yourself in that situation you pour warm water on the affected area) or like me use hot water bottles on the hips. The blood finds it more difficult to circluate when we are cold, so even if you may not actually be physically worse, the nerves (pain receptors) are more sensitive, so it will feel more intense during cold snaps.

Here are some easy tips to keep your joints warm and working in cold temperatures:

  • Apply heat. Keep painful joints warm with warm baths, heating pads or hot water bottles.
  • Stay active. Keep your blood circulating with low-impact activities such as yoga or tai chi. Move your outdoor workouts indoors.
  • Warm up. Stretch to warm up before exercise to alleviate stiffness.
  • Wear layers. Maintain body heat with layers to keep joints warm, functioning and pain free at any temperature.

It’s been a week since I spoke to my consultant, and coming to terms with it being end of the end in terms of treatment. And I wish I had mentioned how much the opposite hip (the good one) has started to hurt 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ so that’s something I definitely need to speak to him about. Though the x-rays looked fine so I doubt it’s loosening, more like heavier load bearing.

Now I’ve had the hand consultant appointment and I’m on the surgery waitlist, it looks like that will be 12 weeks, so I definitely have time to get the steroid injection done first and some hydro sessions too. So that’s a weight off my shoulders.

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So nearly time to see the consultant, and honestly it couldn’t come soon enough. The relentless pulling of the psoas it wearing me down. Though being poorly for the last week hasn’t helped either.

I’d love to know if it is the acetabular cup that’s rubbing on the tendon, and what could be done. I fear not much, as the smaller cup planned kept dislocating. Hence why I ended up with the second choice larger one, that was stable.

At least while I’m sore I can do basic Sun Salutations, as it doesn’t pull or tear it, unlike other exercises.

I wish I could say the week I had of barely moving helped rest it, but with sneezing, coughing I had no chance of it. I had to try and brace it with cushions each time I cough to prevent the worse pulls.

On this leg as it’s my DVT leg too, I got cramp and it’s left the calve swollen and the beginnings of varicose veins, the joys of dvt, being female, chubby, and peri- menopausal!! All this blood pooling can’t be helping the general well-being of the hip. Giving me a bit of a scare to be honest.

To help I’ve started wearing a compression stocking on that leg, increased drinking water, and I will mention it to the consultant as well. As the knee area is forever swelling too, and I have no idea why. Unless it’s due to post thrombotic syndrome, as the veins on one leg are shot.

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Took a week off from literally everything, forced too as I’ve been poorly. But back to some basic exercises again, and using the resistance bands and eggs.

Far more comfortable with the middle egg which translates to 20kg/44lbs of pressure to squeeze. That’s the fusion hand anyways.

See the squeeze here from 37 weeks post op. And Here

Using the Blue middle resistance bands which equals to 4kg/8.8lb to go from a fist to opening all fingers and thumb. Really isolates the thumb for strength.

Video here

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