Last year when it was cast day it gave me a world of pain!! So I saved a few doses of morphine specifically for these couple of days, as I know I’m going to need it. Thankfully once you have a hard cast the icing pads work a lot better than the bandage, so Ice will be my best friend as well. Saw this which made me laugh it’s so like this Tiktok cast video

Goodbye mister big bandage. I won’t miss your heaviness, and bulk!!

Night of hell, so barely any sleep at all, and seeing red traffic doesn’t bode well. Let’s hope it all goes smoothly.

Managed a fairly stress free drive as we set off early, to give us some grace period. Thank goodness we did as traffic did eat into that time.

A few colours and lots of swelling under there, it obviously had bled a fair bit, but was all dried up and healing well. Two long stitches needing snipping to skin level and hopefully time will dissolve the rest. Now for the cast I’ve gone for a tealy green which is usually for a soft cast so they did a white hard cast underneath, and topped it with this soft cast colour. I love it. Good job I do, as it’s on for 6 weeks now. Ms Smith did check the wound and how I was feeling, which I didn’t expect to see her today. So I asked about my elbow, which she checked for me. Confirmed soft tissue damage and to use ice and elevation.

Now to get used to this as it’s more restrictive, but lighter to wear. Home to have meds and rest up. Slept in the afternoon, I was wiped out.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized

I hope you have seen this amazing film on Netflix, it has one princess and one witch girl, best friends and a school of 2 halves. I absolutely LOVE it.

So I ran when I spotted Make Up Revolution were doing a collaboration with the film. I had to buy some pieces. But am I an Ever or Never? If I’m honest I’m a bit of both.

I managed to get a Never’s perfume 100ml for £6.00 and it has a crystal ball on the top of the lid, a gold snake on a chain and it’s beautiful.

I also got 2 liquid eyeshadow duos. So one is for the Ever’s a beautiful Nude and stunning Gold shimmer colour. And the Never’s one is a delicious Black and vibrant shimmery Green. These were £3.00 each.

Lastly I got a double sided Palette, so you can indulge each side of yourself. Can have one for daytime and one for nighttime. The Palette was £9.00.

It’s a shame I couldn’t get natural daylight photos, but it’s been so dark and grey each day here. But what a beautiful collection. It certainly is a treat to own. You can find some other pieces Here in the sale too.

Make Up, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual