On Day 52 I did a YouTube video trying all 3 of the resistance eggs See here

But it’s now Day 56, Which means it’s 8 weeks. And what a way to celebrate being 8 weeks post op, the first day of real freedom of the cast!!

Yesterday 20th May, that long awaited for and begged for day had arrived, the cast removal, then x-ray, followed by consultant appointment, and splint fitting. I had looked forward to this day for so long.

Post from cast removal last year

I had a mixture of saw (really hate it, I don’t like the vibration) and scissors. You get a pressure and sensation, but doesn’t hurt hurt. Straight away it feels stiff, weak and achy, and oh so dry.

I’m given a splint but it’s just a soft black brace. I saw the x-rays and weirdly the silicone spacer for the CMC joint replacement, you can hardly see, but you can see the figure of 8 wire and 2 pins for the MCP fusion.

First steps to moving well

I have to come back on Wednesday 22nd May for first hand therapy session. But first for now, I need a bath and try to remove all this dead skin.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized