What is Imbolc? Imbolc is a pagan holiday celebrated from February 1 through sundown February 2. Based on a Celtic tradition, Imbolc was meant to mark the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in Neolithic Ireland and Scotland.

And while I can’t celebrate on the 1st due to the Hospital. We are going out into nature to celebrate on the 2nd and 3rd, do a nice walk, and look for signs of Spring popping up. The weather has turned and we’ve been treated with some sunshine.

I will be adding to the fireplace, my Rose Quartz, and Black and White Candles, a little blessing pot, and some incense I’m sure.

I’ve bought some Brigid Cross Charms to make some into jewellery, and maybe some into keyrings. But I need them to arrive.

If you can look outside for signs of Spring arriving, snowdrops and feel the energy of new beginnings stirring underneath the earth, up to new shoots on the trees. It’s like a promise of life returning and the earth is buzzing all around us, the animals are getting ready for the next lot of offspring to arrive. It’s an exciting time.

Uncategorized, Witch Boxes, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

After what has felt an age, we had a gap in the rain. So boots on, it’s time to get some fresh air. Something we both needed greatly.

Some gloomy shots as it’s late in the day, but some when the light catches the trees, are like fire! Though these leaves won’t be here much longer, so it’s nice to see them before they have all fallen.

Watched the sun go down, cold toes and hands we walked back to the car, light fading and the feeling it’s the Fae’s turn to come out and enjoy the woods. Soon time to get home and warm up with a hot chocolate. Grateful this is a mere stones throw from home.

Travel, Uncategorized