Did I learn from the scissors last week, oh hell no. Somehow in my infinite wisdom, I thought I could Hoover. Oh let me tell you, DON’T do that. I did try with my left, but it was simply too heavy. So massive fail. Right hand oddly stronger, I guess because dominant hand, but it did make it swell up and ache all day.

Back on the ice

But it’s not all doom and gloom, this last week we went out walking, I am a walking stick user, so I switched for a pole, and even managed some time using the pole in the right hand, now technically I’ve been told to not put weight through the hand for at least another month. But the strap on the walking pole is more wrist based, and felt fine. I will still baby it and not use my walking stick. But it was a victory I needed!!

Found using this egg, I could flex the tip of the thumb more. As this continues to be the hardest exercise to do. Video here to show it

So far this is how high I can do a thumbs up! I honestly think this is amazing, considering the fused angle of the MCP joint.

Most of all I’m loving being PAINFREE. To think 11 weeks ago I was in such pain that chopping off the hand was a viable idea, to now it’s incredible. So glad I did it.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Uncategorized

It’s been a WHOLE week without a cast, I can’t begin to tell you how much better it feels being free!

Since Wednesday I’ve had my official physio exercises which admittedly massively exhausted me at first, and increased pain too. A couple of times I’ve had that same needle sharp pain, it’s exactly where you can physically feel the wire or pin under the skin. Hopefully it happens less and less over time.

Trying to get the scar and disordered sensations under control.

I seem to have a lot of tenderness, and pain in the inner forearm, not sure why. Definitely didn’t have this last time, so it’s a new one on me. Though this arm often has a weakness around the elbow, so perhaps it’s a tendonitis of sorts. Icing and resting when I can, while doing all these exercises too.

I wear the black splint at night, but I’m not sure I actually need it. But it does give an assurance that I can’t catch the thumb in the night. So it’s worth wearing for that peace of mind.

Reading back over my 9 week post from my left CMC joint fusion, it feels I’m doing a lot better pain wise Available here as I’m just taking Etoricoxib and tramadol, and cannabis oil but these are mostly for back hips elbows.

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It’s been a big week for the hands, see previous 2 posts. So admittedly the physio for hips had been stop start, rather than each day. But I have done them when I can, to try and stay regular at least.

With the thumb physio I’m meant to do them every hour!! And this is exhausting to be honest. But needs must as I need this walking stick hand back. But not allowed any weight through it for at least another 6 weeks!!

Getting on and off the floor without the arm cast, is definitely more of a consideration.

Hip Bridges X 10 reps
Single Leg Hip Bridge X 5 reps 5 second hold Both Sides
Clamshells X 10 reps Both Sides
Single Leg Raise X 10 reps Both Sides
Hip Abduction X 10 reps Both Sides
Hip Adduction X 10 reps Both Sides
Prone Knee Lift X 10 reps Both Sides

Out of the usual exercises, I enjoy or tolerate these ones the best, especially if I have other chores to do in the week as they don’t break me as much as Lunges, Squats Deadbugs

Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

I was required to come back to ROH 2 days after my cast removal to visit the Hand Therapy.

Not sure what to expect, but at least I know I do physio sessions at home, so I’m hoping it’s just a one appointment and given exercises to do. Rather than need to keep coming in each week.

At home I just tried to touch finger tips to the thumb

I will ask about trigger finger, as the pinky and ring finger sometimes struggle to bend, and when they do and I go to straighten them, they pop and clunk into place. Only started once I had the cast fitted, I am hoping now I’m out of it, it will settle down. But it doesn’t hurt to tell them, and see if there is an exercise specific for that, and for snapping wrist on the opposite hand. God they are a full time job to keep mobile isn’t it. They gave the exercises called tendon glides to help stop the locking.

Tendon glides, make a claw, forward straight fingers, then fiat x 10reps (this is specifically for my trigger finger issues)

I must admit getting used to the fact the thumb is fused is weird, I will never be able to do this 👍 again on this side, sad times. But if it stops the pain it’s worth it.

I have been give numerous exercises to do, each with 10 reps and to do them hourly!! That shocked me with how many and how often. 3 exercises for the wrist, and 5 for the thumb.

Thumb IP Flexion X 10reps
Composite Thumb Flexion X 10reps (bring tip of thumb towards middle of the palm)
Opposition X 10reps (make an O with tip of thumb and finger)
Active Thumb Abduction and Adduction (radial) X 10reps And Thumb Abduction (Palmar) X 10reps

Then for the wrist ones, Elbow on a table, Flex the Wrist backwards in an Extension X 10reps. Forwards flex for a Wrist Flexion X 10reps. Finally a Radial/Ulnar Wrist Deviation (forwards and backwards as if throwing a dart) X 10reps

This will massively increase pain, swelling and with that I’m increasing my pain meds and use of ice once again. Better to increase them and do the physio.

Not advised to push against or pull, or carry weight in that hand yet, so for 6 weeks these are off the table.

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Last week on the Bank holiday Monday, we had just had to return from our camping holiday half way through, due to hip and back pain. When I posted my hip blog last week we had been home 3 days, and it was 5 days since the walk that killed me off. Now it’s 11 days since that walk, and I’m just about in a frame of space that I could try a small walk again.

So shocked at how long it’s took to recover from this level of pain, and how long it took to get under control. But I’m pleased the psoas hasn’t reared his head for which I’m truly thankful. So now we are feeling ok, it’s time to get some physio done, and get a routine going again.

Full Credit to AskDoctorJo You Tube Video

I found this workout for the hips and back, which I’m doing to do. I’ve shared the link above if you want to watch it. A d I will shared the 10 exercises in pictures here too.

Exercise 1 – Pelvic Tilts X 10 reps

Exercise 2 – Hip Bridging X 10 reps

Exercise 3 – Clamshells X 10 reps (both sides)

Exercise 4 – Straight Leg Raise X 10 reps (both sides, pull toes towards you) Wow the Left leg is weak doing these!!

Exercise 5 – Sidelying Hip Abduction X 10 reps (both sides, pull toes towards you) My apparently good hip Right side hated hated hated this!!

Exercise 6 – Sidelying Hip Adduction X 10 reps (both sides, have top leg over the top or behind bottom leg, whichever is more comfortable. Pull toes towards you)

Exercise 7 – Prone Hip Extension X 10 reps (both sides, straighten toes to lift knee into locked position, then lift)

Exercise 8 – Seated Hip Flexion X 10 reps (nice one for Psoas and easier to do. Both sides) I say easier, but still a challenge for me on the left leg!!

Exercise 9 – Squats at a Chair X 10 reps (push bottom towards chair, knees Not going over toes)

Exercise 10 – Lunges X 10 reps (or however many you can do. Both sides) As this one is incredibly difficult for me I use pillows under the knee to raise the floor up, and use a chair for stability. I often only do up to 5 reps to keep the correct posture, rather than 10 badly formed ones.

Really pleased I stumbled onto this video, as it’s given me something new to do and get myself back into a routine too.

Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

Some days you are on top of the world, feeling like you can conquer anything. Next minute you are sobbing over a coffee lid, that has defeated your left hand (which was fused 13months ago) 😭😭😭😭 no lie I really did sob over it.

Ended up needing a glove and brace!

Left hand decided to have a snapping elastic band feeling, in the back of the hand. Then the lid pulled my thumb the following day. So had to admit defeat, rest and protect both hands. A reminder not to be too cocky!!

See here Youtube shorts

I’ve got the rubber eggs out again, to keep the fingers strong, and gently to build up strength in the thumb too. A spiky ball to help with movement as well.

Youtube shorts
Youtube shorts

I can feel weakness in the squeeze down the index finger and into that part of the hand, but steadily getting stronger each day.

This next week we are off camping so a real life test of the thumb, wrist and arm. This week it’s all washing, drying and packing clothes, and camping gear. But I must admit I’m excited to go, and although I hate the idea of the cast, at least I know it’s well protected in it.

I have missed doses and been bitten on the butt hard for that, so I’m not going to try and reduce meds again, seems I did this last time See here I obviously don’t learn my lesson 🤣🤣🤣🤣 its so good to be able to read back how I felt then, as now I know it’s normal at this stage to feel this way, only difference this time is I have an extra 2 weeks in the cast.

My best news was I washed my own hair over the bath, I squeezed the shampoo and conditioner out into tubs, so that would make it easier to get. I lent over the bath, and used taps to fill a cup and use that to wet the hair. Success and the cast didn’t get wet. You tube short of my hair

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized

Success with the chair exercises, so I’m glad I found them. Though my activity energy level is nowhere near prior to this thumb surgery (done on 26th march) so much reduced reps and having to do alternate days too. Daft YouTube video of mine

Using my Aerobic Step I can still incorporate my Psoas exercises that are standing ones.

* Hip Flexion standing 10x reps both sides

* Hip Abduction standing 10x reps both sides

* Hip Extension backwards standing 10x reps both sides

* Small Squats 10x reps

* Forward Step ups onto Aerobic step 20x reps both sides

* Lateral Step ups onto Aerobic step 20x reps both sides

Lunges (using a chair for stability) 10x reps both sides

I’ve had to reduce the reps as I found I was getting super exhausted, and it then increased pain levels in the thumb.

I’ve started some upper body exercises now I cant do my usual yoga sessions. As I’m getting extremely stiff in the casted arm,shoulder and neck.

* Shoulder Extension 10x reps both sides

* Bicep Curl 10x reps both sides

* Tricep Overhead 10x reps both sides

* Lateral Shoulder Rise 10x reps both sides

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Not me turning up today 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ and it’s not until next week!! Luckily they had cancellations, and I could have the appointment today, that was super lucky.

Boooo it’s the last session, unless they decide it can carry on if I buy cast covers that are waterproof. I believe land physio will start after today. Though I’ve been doing my own version all week with only 2 days of rest.

I won’t lie, I’m going to really miss the warmth in my bones, and how much exercise you can put out, thanks to the supportive nature of the water, as well as the resistance making you work harder. As a rehabilitation factor, there really is no comparison to the results hydrotherapy gives you. It’s been 10 weeks since the steroid injection, so far so good. I pray it stays.

Hydrotherapy Exercises (I know you know them, but I like to list each week)

* Walk up and down the pool X 8 times

* Small Squats X 25 reps

* Left Leg Lunges X 25 reps

* Hip Extension standing with resistance ring X 25 reps

* Hip Abduction standing with resistance rings X 25 reps

* Hip Flexion standing with resistance ring X 25 reps

* Step ups Left leg leading X 40 steps

* Side Step ups Left Leg Leading X 40 steps

* Hip Abduction lying down with resistance ring X 25 reps

* Hip Extension lying down with resistance ring X 25 reps

* Bicycle cycling with Flippers X 10 mins

* Crab walking, low sideways squat, up and down pool X 8 times

Well I will be sleeping this off for sure!! I wanted to go as hard as I could, and do as much as I could as it’s the last one.

I have perhaps irrational, but a sense of dread that the psoas issue will come back while I’m recovering from hand surgery, so I need to think of ways, I’m stable enough to do some moves to keep the strength up. Surgery is 12 days away, it’s the dominant hand so I should be able to do some basic aerobic step exercises and hip flexion, hip abduction, hip extension surely?

Apparently I’m being referred back to ROH to see what they want to do, no idea on timeline though.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

So close to the end already, it’s been totally amazing, I’ve felt so much stronger since the beginning. It’s incredible the change I feel.

I have an action packed day planned, and the day before was super busy, so I hope I can get some rest in afterwards too. Though we are traveling later on, staying away from home until Sunday.

Though that said I’m going to try and increase amount of reps too. Wonder if I can?

* Walk up and down the pool X 8 times

* Small Squats X 25 reps

* Step ups left leg leading X 25 reps

* Hip Flexion Standing, with resistant ring X 25 reps

* Hip Extension Standing, with resistant ring X 25 reps

* Hip Abduction Standing, with resistant ring X 25 reps

* Bicycle Cycling in Chair with Flipper X 8 mins

* Left Leg Lunges X 25 reps

* Crab Walking up and down the pool X 8 times

* Hip Abduction Lying down, with resistant ring X 25 reps

* Hip Extension Lying down, with resistant ring X 25 reps

Increased the reps a little, but not too much as I do have a lot on this weekend, and I can’t just solidly rest. Feeling good though and proud of how much stronger I have gotten.

Booked the last session next week, and then hopefully find out what the plan will be, sad to see the pool go, it’s been so beneficial

Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

Since this hip all those weeks ago, the Psoas has just been my nemesis. Had the steroid 4 weeks ago, and now it’s time to start the Hydrotherapy sessions. Really looking forward to getting the hips as strong as possible. This Monday I started doing the Physio psoas stretch both sides which has been successful, I manage 5 reps each side each day, each with a 30 second hold.

First thing is checking I have no jewellery on, not even wedding ring. As the chlorine will dull and tarnish even silver 925 and gold. So it’s not worth wearing them. I go prepared for maximum time in the pool, so wear the costume under my clothes, slip on shoes and easy leggings and hoodie. This way I can be fast in and out of the pool.

Started by Walking up and down the pool to warm up X 6 times

* Small squats X 10 reps

* Hip Abduction Standing, resistant ring on ankle X 10 reps

* Hip Extension Backwards Standing, resistant ring on ankle X 10 reps

* Hip Flexion Standing, resistant ring on ankle X 10 reps

*Left Leg Lunges X 10 reps

* Step up left leg leading, right leg down X 20 steps

* Hip Extension Lying Down,push leg downwards, resistant ring on ankle X 10 reps

* Hip Abduction Lying Down, resistant ring on ankle X 10 reps

* Cycling on a Chair, wearing Flippers 5 minutes

*Crab Sideways Walking up and down the pool X 6 times

I really really felt that, especially the cycling on a chair wearing flippers, I was like Bambi getting out the pool. Thank goodness for my walking stick!! Grateful I can rest at home and get myself a hot water bottle, and take some painkillers too.

A bit of Father Brown on Iplayer and I was soon falling asleep, crazy how much it takes out of you. Shattered I am.

OMG the following morning I was STIFF AND CRIPPLED, goes to show me how hard and intense it is compared to me doing yoga and physio daily! They make me ache, but this is a whole other level. Definitely had to up the dose on cannabis oil and take extra tramadol just to function!! Jesus Christ I ache.

Back again next week!

Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Uncategorized