We had planned beachy days, and thought the weather would play ball, but it didn’t. And weirdly we weren’t all in for just sitting on the beach, red flags said it wasn’t suitable for bathing either. So after one day of resting on a beach, which was lovely. We opted for some epic walks around Barmouth and nearby.

A circular walk through the historical Nannau estate and along the shore of Llyn Cynwch
The Precipice has a fantastic array of qualities. From habitats such as woodlands and meadows to captivating views of Snowdonia’s mountain ranges. The path will take you through part of the Nannau estate which dates back to the 12th century and is steeped in fascinating Welsh history.

The route ends on the shores of Llyn Cynwch—a working reservoir that provides nearby Dolgellau with water.

Why this path?
For a moderate walk, the Precipice offers an abundance of viewpoints across some of Snowdonia’s most striking mountain ranges. To the north stands Snowdon and the Moelwynion and to the west stand the Rhinogydd. Cader Idris, the Aran and Arenig can be seen towards the south and east.

Although the path stands at 800ft above sea level, there is little climbing and descending along the route. It can be a great option for an adventurous family outing.

Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Having 3 night here at Hooks House Farm Fylingthorpe near Robin Hood’s Bay, Yorkshire. In true typical fashion we have left  boiling heat at 28°c and gone towards a cooler  19 °c coastal air. But it should be better for me, and my sun allergy.

We have pitched where we can see the Sea, granted not as good as higher up, but the slope would of done us in. So flatter ground and relax here for a while.

View from the tent door ain’t bad I confess. Slightly windy but warm for now. The site is fairly busy but we pitched fine.

You can walk to Robin Hood’s Bay from the campsite, but it’s a steep trek and not really for people like me. So maybe drive and park up as it’s free after 6pm.

We visited the beach, though cool and windy at the time.

Second day was spent more relaxing as just traveling and strolling around had took its toll on my hip and back. We drove to Sandsend and had some waves therapy, it’s so good to sit and listen to the crashing waves, saw a couple of harrier jets which is super exciting! And then finished off the day visiting Staithes.

Sandsend, then fish and chips along the way to staithes.
Went down the norths narrowest street. Wasn’t the warmest day, and it did rain. But we didn’t care.

Rained all day on the last day at Hooks farm, weather apps said it would ease off later afternoon, so we decided a walk to waterfalls would be our aim today.

Shattered but it’s been a great site to stay at. We travel onwards to a new site tomorrow and meeting up with friends.

Arthritis, Beaches, Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Travel, Uncategorized