Sunday is the main day, and also our last full day. The Opening ceremony is on around midday. Here we will cast the circle and call the quarters, East, South, West and North and welcome them to witness the ritual, the Beltane fire needs to be lit, but first we have to chase off Jack Frost.

Handfasting weddings are done after the main fire is lit, this time we had 2 Beltane fires and we were all invited to walk through the two. This is to drive off the cleanse ourselves for the new energies, and new starts of spring.

The afternoon sadly became a wet fest, so we retreated to the tent for a while. Tidied up and got ourselves ready for some tea, and coffee to warm up. And once again put fire clothes on ready for the last night of fire dancing, drums and stories.

We watched the sunset in the henge, we felt the sun as it peeked out before going to its bed. The warmth on our skin was heavenly, a promise of better days to come. Can’t believe it’s all over already. Monday is a solely pack up and drive home day. I didn’t want it to end, but alas my body can’t wait for my bed and hot water bottle.

Camping, Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

What a fantastic time away, much needed for mental health, and to re balance ourselves. We arrived Friday and we used that day to set up and relax, we ended our evening with a fire and marshmallows.

Saturday we were up early to chase Waterfalls, we had a few in mind, Like Aysgarth, Harmby and Cauldron falls. Didn’t walk too much as hips aren’t being friendly.

We ended our Saturday with fish and chips to munch in a local town, and once back at the campsite we walked to the communal Beltane fire, to listen to tales, songs and drummers.

Sunday arrived and it’s the opening ceremony, so we gathered in the centre of the Henge. We called the quarters and cast the circle, energies raised, lit the Beltane fire and watched some Handfastings.

Wandered around the Northern henge, which was quite a struggle to walk too for me, so we took it slow and made many stops. It was a wooded henge, ie inside the woods, so the bluebells are all out.

We had a closing ceremony and then onto the last communal fire. So sad to be ending, but what an experience. We had the Wind for Air/East, the Henge for Earth/North, Waterfalls for Water/West and the Beltane Fire for Fire/South and we felt mentally cleansed and close to these like minded people around us.

Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual