It’s been a while since I’ve posted about my Medical Cannabis, and that’s honestly because it’s not really changed in dose, and until now I’ve not had an appointment, my last one was November 2023, and it’s been 3 months so I’m due again. I’m hoping once I’ve been on this system for 1year I can go to 6 monthly appointments, as I’m pretty happy to stay the same really.

The Adven oil hybrid/indica [EMT2/EMC1] full spectrum: 20mg THC, 10mg CBD /ml 30 millilitres in a 30ml bottle is what I’ve had for the last 6 months, I probably could stay on this indefinitely to he honest, sometimes I wish it was a little stronger, so I could take less amount of oil for same effect, but maybe I shouldn’t rock a boat that’s been effective??

But I’m extremely appreciative that this has took away that forever nagging low grumble back pain away. Which is why I hadn’t posted and updated. It still does not take away acute sudden or sharp pains such as my hand pains away, but they come and go and don’t take over everything in your mind, unlike hips and back.

I had previously found that while walking and going out a constant 0.05ml every 2 hours was more beneficial than a single dose morning then at night. But now I’m mostly trapped in at home, I’m now taking 1.5ml morning and 1.5ml at bedtime. So roughly the same overall just different methods of taking it. It’s a lot easier to take and go off and about your day, than constantly time the doses and take. So I think this new way is the way for a while. Need to test it out on a walk really, but surgery is getting on the way. It will be a test to see how it is 9ver surgical pain too, as surgery is less than 2 weeks away now.

We had a good discussion and as the thc isn’t really increased in terms of value for money, I’m on the right oil. So just increase and decrease doses as I see fit. As it’s been 4 appointments I can automatically go onto pay every 6 months, but do an appointment online between the 2 appointments but it’s free. So that’s all good. Requested the prescription, which will take a few days to show up in the patient portal, then I can pay for it and await the courier timeframe. Super efficient and smooth, shame all doctors and appointments aren’t this good in the NHS.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Uncategorized

As it’s been 3 months, I have to uphold the agreement to have an appointment every 3 months now I’ve done the first initial 2. My last appointment was August, so here we are it’s 3 months later. Going to be a challenge as I’ve got Laryngitis, so no voice!! I’ve emailed to see if I can reschedule, as I’ve gotten so much worse. Wonder if they will? They HAVE. Yay have to ring once voice is back to reschedule.

Can’t talk about it more like! Barely a whisper comes out

The Adven oil hybrid/indica [EMT2/EMC1] full spectrum: 20mg THC, 10mg CBD /ml 30 millilitres I got in a 30ml bottle, has served me well, and I don’t see a need to change at all. So I’m pretty sure the appointment is a waste of time, but it’s in the contract to see them (well zoom appointment)

Though I am suffering a lot more as the weather has turned, so it might be worth asking advice. As I type this with hands that are getting stiffer, and an elbow with tendonitis (great!) I’ve chosen the lady I spoke to last time, as she made me feel comfortable.

Technically they call it lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow. I have not played tennis 🤣

It’s been 16 days since we came home from our adventures in Cornwall, Glastonbury and Whitby. And I’ve mainly been in a flare, resting and just not up to much. So haven’t done a daily dose post, as I’ve definitely took less oil and meds at home, in a bid to save them for activity days. Which I realise is madness as instantly my pain increased and been in a flare since. If that’s not confirmation it works then I don’t know what will.

So this was my kick up the ass to be more regular and consistent. So last week (8th November) I thought it’s Time to set alarms every 3 hours and see how that works. It works!! Much better to have a nudge to remember.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, medical cannabis

MONDAY We left Glastonbury Sunday night, so we woke up in our own bed, heaven. Slept so solidly. I knew I wasn’t moving much, so just 0.1ml at bedtime, back to just 1 tramadol and 1 etoricoxib. Started wash and dry mountain of clothes, unpacking holiday bits, but also rearranging things to pack again for Whitby Goth Weekend. Feels nice to get hot water bottles back on the back too. Feet souls are now healed.

TUESDAY Feeling so much better, so getting more productive, made jewellery to post off. Emptying more bags and putting things away. 0.05ml oil afternoon. 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. 0.05ml teatime. Starting to plan our clothes to pack for Whitby Goth Weekend.

Coming home to a flooded house, burst pipes and it’s freezing cold has plunged us into a bit of a post holiday depression. It’s so overwhelming. But trying to get organized for a quick trip to Whitby goth weekend, and arranging roofers for when we are back too.

WEDNESDAY Popped out to get essentials for trip. Been more sporadic with taking the oil, and then wondering why back pain is horrendous 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ not smart am I? Forgot to take any until bedtime again, brain is racing with how much to do. Hot water bottles are a godsend, and still on 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. Feeling super sluggish and stiff. Hard to believe I was walking last week. I could easily stay bedbound this week.

THURSDAY Slept so much better last night, but my cycle has returned and suddenly all the extra pains and loose joints make sense. So being sensible I’m returning to last week’s super successful routine. 0.05ml oil 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib in the morning.

FRIDAY Up at 4.30am to drive to Whitby. Sticking to the usual 0.05ml oil and once again upping the doses to more frequently, and increasing tramadol. We arrive to an extremely rainy moody Whitby for the Goth Weekend. Mostly walking about the town, so steps, wet leaves and slippy areas to watch out for. We had a fantastic day even though we were soaked to the skin, I didn’t risk wearing antlers. We ended the evening early to make up for lack of sleep the night before.

SATURDAY That sleep was immense and so needed, woke up so fresh!! We rustle up much needed coffee and breakfast. Wearing more sensible clothing, we head back out to the event. And omg it was PACKED. Soon felt like we needed a breather. Same routine of oil 0.05ml X 2 and 2 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib.

SUNDAY Noticed I’m forgetting the oil at times, mainly due to being in town and not getting it out in front of people. So I’m feeling the increased pains. Extra stiff and lead feeling legs. So trying to stay on track. Managed to do 0.05ml X 3 today and 2 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. Walking is getting harder over time, been worth the pains. Seeing the abbey yesterday would of killed off my legs. Rain is back so we watched BBC ones Dracula episode one in the morning, and didn’t get out until afternoon. Enjoyed episode 2 before bed.

MONDAY Traveling home day, but before going home, we headed to Bridlington flamborough head to try and see some wild seals. I could of cried seeing these, I was grateful seeing a couple, but carried on walking a bit and saw about 60!! Increased to 0.1ml X 3 as it’s a car traveling day, and the weekend has ruined my hips and back. What a perfect weekend, that even the rain couldn’t dampen our spirits.


It’s now been 9 weeks in total, and 4 weeks on the combined CBD and THC oil, and I honestly prefer the combination one, less to carry and mess with, I don’t have to try and remember which dose for which oil. So all round it’s more freeing and simple to take.

MONDAY Yay woke up with my back all ok again, shocked as Sunday I could barely move! Just good timing too as I had shops to go to. 0.2ml morning and 0.1ml at tea time, put me right to sleep, so didn’t have a bedtime dose. Still slept well too. Still on 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib as usual

TUESDAY Rain is making me stiff but I managed to make some Halloween jewellery. 0.2ml in the morning. 0.05ml at tea time (to stop me falling asleep to early) then follow with 0.05ml at bedtime. This worked a treat. 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib

WEDNESDAY Trying to mentally and physically prepare myself for root removal at the dentist on Friday. Absolutely terrified if I’m honest. So I’ve prepared softer foods in a batch cook, straightened my hair (to keep it from being unruly) 0.2ml morning. Catching up on washing and putting clothes away. Will do 0.05ml at teatime and bedtime again. 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib

THURSDAY Slept not bad really. 0.2ml in the morning. Had some life admin and jewellery parcel to post off. Then We decided to see family for tea, which was lovely. Like a treat having a nice meal made for me before this dental work. 0.1ml for bedtime and watched a couple of movies. Hope my nerves are ok tomorrow. 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib

FRIDAY Dental day, so making sure the oil keeps my nerves at bay. 0.1ml morning, then 0.1ml afternoon before appointment. Nervous but oil helped, though I had the shakes from nerves. Had more tramadol as advised too. 7pm my head was starting to hurt from root extractions, so took 0.1ml for evening pain relief. I have to sleep upright, so I’ll be making sure I have a hot water bottle, pain meds like paracetamol, tramadol handy, drink and another 0.1ml oil as I go to bed. (Try and stay ahead of pain) Had 3 tramadol and 4 paracetamol, 1 etoricoxib

SATURDAY Slept better than I imagined I would, the extra 0.1ml oil at night helped. Mouth feels ok ish, worse thing is the taste of copper coins metallic (blood). But tonight I can start salty mouthwashes once it’s been 24hrs. 0.1ml in the morning, I liked how I topped it up all day yesterday, so planning the same today. Tramadol morning, paracetamol dinner time. Staying ahead of pain. Afternoon 1 tramadol again, 0.1ml oil too. Bedtime 0.1ml hope I sleep well again. Hopefully we can go out and about soon, or at least do physio and yoga again. 2 paracetamol for bed.

SUNDAY Slept good, I even managed to sleep in a more normal position too, so that was good. Woke with face aching though. 1 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. Then 0.1ml oil. Huge migraine afternoon, so 1 tramadol and 2 paracetamol to try and help. They say root extraction aches and pains subside after 72hrs, only been 48 so far. With the way they push, pull and lean on jaw, neck and head it’s no wonder it gets painful and swollen. Tried to do some chores, but leaning forward makes my head pound, so resting up. 0.1ml of oil at 7pm. Bedtime I had 1 tramadol to stop the throbbing. Worse day for pain if I’m honest.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, medical cannabis, Uncategorized

Plagued with a sore throat, I think that explains how run down I felt over last week, though I’m pretty positive that my insoles have, had increased my pain too. So back to not wearing them and levels of pain have improved.

MONDAY I’m nearly out of CBD oil, so today I skipped it in the morning. Instead I took 0.1-5ml THC oil and that took me easily to tea time. I felt productive and could get some chores done.  I took 0.1ml THC oil at tea time. Followed the 0.2ml CBD oil at 11pm bedtime. Getting closer to pain free.

TUESDAY Yesterday went so well, I decided on the same doses. 0.1-5ml THC oil in the morning. I had 0.1-5ml THC early evening. Feeling a lot better than before. Ended with 0.2ml CBD oil. This might be the sweet spot. But I’m looking forward to discussing it with them next week, and re ordering.

WEDNESDAY We had some chores to do, visit some family and shop, so took the same doses as Monday and Tuesday. We also decided to pack for Barmouth the following day. Should be lovely, even though walking on sand is definitely my nemesis.

THURSDAY We barely slept so it was touch and go whether we would go, but after giving myself a pep talk, we got up and got ready to go. Using the same routine of oils, we had a sleepy relaxing day on the beach. Predictably the sand walking really tested the hip and back. So pain was present but not all consuming. Slept like a log all night. Best sleep I’ve ever had.

FRIDAY After having a groggy beach day and fearing the oil had made me more sleepy, I decided to return to 0.05ml THC oil X3 and 0.2ml CBD oil X2 and we had a wonderful day walking around the hills. I had no insoles in which did make me feel better. But this oil is helping me walk again with less back pain than prior. Wouldn’t say it’s 100% relief, but I’m certainly able to manage better.

SATURDAY A travelling home day, and while I do ache, and I am stiff, this medical cannabis oil has made life more bearable. Proper rainy day today, its seems our 2 day summer is over, so I do expect more arthritic pains. This day we did some waterfall hunting, so I had 0.05ml THC oil morning and 0.2ml CBD oil morning, near tea time I had 0.1ml THC oil which helped me stay straighter upright and eases pressure off the back. Then driving home at night, usually car sitting hurts the most, so I had 0.1-5 ml THC oil and 0.2ml CBD oil. This helped the car journey and sleeping later.

SUNDAY Loved being back in our own bed, and I did grab a hot water bottle as soon as we got home, hip flexor so swollen and sore from our walking. But slept so well, so that does set the tone of the day on a better footing. It’s a sofa and charmed rewatch day, so had 0.2ml CBD oil and 0.1ml THC oil morning and for once I feel pretty good after car camping. Usually I’m so bodily broken for days and days.

Appointment on 15th August, it’s a zoom with a Pharmacy, wonder if they will change the oils up, or keep me on the same?

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Uncategorized

On Monday the 24th I switched it up and I decided to take 0.05ml X3 a day and the 0.2ml oil X2 this seemed to work well, managed to get out and explore, and felt better than I had done for a while. However I have removed my insoles in the boots, so maybe this also contributed to this feeling. Camping so let’s see how I feel tomorrow. For now still taking 1 or 2 tramadol, 2 paracetamol, 1 etoricoxib as usual.

Tuesday I had the same doses again, I felt like it worked so well yesterday, we managed another day of exploring and enjoying ourselves, that we decided to camp another day. We started the day with a full English breakfast, which kept us full until 6.30pm, still not 100 painfree, but definitely more manageable. Haven’t felt like this for a while!

Wednesday I decided to try and drop the 0.2ml of the CBD oil, (as that’s the most expensive of the two oils, and I’m unsure if it does anything compared to the THC one) and instead try 0.1ml  of the THC to see if this would achieve greater pain relief?? I guess it’s all trial and error for now. Certainly pleased that  the side effects have all gone, they took about 4 days to go. In the afternoon I had 0.05ml and we did a small walk, back definitely feels lighter and less compressed. We ended the day with chippie and hot water bottle at home. Usual 2 tramadol, 2 paracetamol, 1 etoricoxib. Ended with 0.1ml for bedtime. (So I’ve had 0.2.5ml in total today)

Thursday It’s my birthday and we slept in our own bed last night. Slept so so well!! As we aren’t doing much except catch up on family and household chores, I will take 0.5ml probably x3 today and still stay off the CBD oil and see if that is ok? Feeling pretty fresh, achy yes as usual from a walk prior, but way better than I did just 2 weeks ago. Finding 3 doses like this is good, not 100% painfree but definitely nicely manageable, and it takes it off my mind.

FRIDAY Slept reasonable, though I did wake up a few times and drop off again. Nothing major though. 0.05ml THC oil morning. Then same again 0.05ml THC oil afternoon. Had some chores to do like food shopping, and visiting other shops,( found more Halloween things) absolute agony once we got home, couldn’t stand much longer, so it’s not been strong enough today sadly. Hot water bottles needed. Feeling very pained I had 0.1ml THC bedtime. Let’s see if that helps.

SATURDAY Slept better, but super stiff in the morning, major back and hip pain, so 0.1ml THC oil this morning. Mid afternoon I had the CBD oil 0.2ml. it seems as much as I thought it wasn’t doing much, it does seem to work, and perhaps make the THC oil work better too?? So that’s interesting. Made me feel more energetic, and lighter in the back. Perfect. For bedtime I took 0.1ml THC oil, and followed by 0.2ml CBD oil

SUNDAY that was a way better sleep. So I think I will try the dosing, so 2x 0.1.5ml THC oil and 0.2ml CBD oil. To see if it lifts the back pain so I don’t need hot water bottles all day and night. I need to book an appointment (follow up one next week) to tell them how I’m getting on, not sure if they will change the prescription or keep it the same. Had the same for bedtime. But honestly didn’t notice the increase, so is that worth doing again? And wasting it. Probably not.

Monday will see us packing and going on some adventures again starting Tuesday!, so I hope the current routine works well, and perhaps I’ll wear the insoles and see if the pain returns. I went and decided to take 0.1ml THC and 0.2ml CBD morning and night. Seems the best medium so far.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

I’ll be honest I had envisioned skipping off into the distance by now, no longer blogging about hips, I’ve been ready to shut the chapter on hips for years. But this second hip just hasn’t played ball at all.

I’ve made an appointment for 22nd August to really go back and discuss it, explain its getting worse and request a steroid injection, and maybe more advice for back and the older hip too. Feel like I’m stuck on a merry go round. It’s time to get off.

But new meds (medical cannabis oil thanks to Sapphire medical UK) are being tried as we speak so it’s the best I can do for now. And stick to exercise and movement as well to stop other things getting siezed up.

All I want to do is walk and find beauty in out countryside, without pain or at least less pain. It’s our favourite pastime.

Like this well worn road, I may be broken in places but I’m trying to function as best as I can.

Psoas extra sore and resistant to lift up, as a bout of coughing has pulled the area massively. So using ibuprofen gel, hot water bottles and now this new medical cannabis oil to see if we can finally get a lif on pain.

Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized

On the 8th July I had my initial appointment with Sapphire, you pay £50 for this as it’s a Private Clinic and it’s done over zoom. Admittedly I was nervous, but it went well, with describing my pain levels, what medication I’m already on, and my hopes for cannabis to help.

First off I’m not a smoker, I was a cigarette smoker years ago, so no desire to smoke ever again. I also have a hatred for vapes. So oil is what I wanted to go for, and a possibility of a balm in the future.

I have tried CBD oils in various strengths and while they help with relaxation and sleep, the pain element isn’t strong enough. So time to try thc in the cbd.

I have to wait for the prescription to come through, and pay for that, and I believe the courier comes pretty quickly. So i should have the oil by next week. The courier’s will only deliver to you at your door, so you can’t be out that day, as it will not be left on the doorstep.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized