I missed last week, as I knew it would go live while I was away, so instead I opted to miss the week. Besides because we were mainly at home and not doing much, the level of cannabis oil was the same each day.

However on Friday 13th October we embarked on our holiday travels, so this would change the level of meds greatly, and put the oil to a massive test.

FRIDAY It’s been a week of packing and washing and organising. But today is the day it’s finally traveling day. As we have nothing but traveling and settling in planned today, sticking with 0.1ml dose in the morning, with 1 tramadol, and 1etoricoxib. Midday we left and I topped myself up with 0.1ml and 1 tramadol. Back absolutely agony already, in a new car so it could be the new position.

SATURDAY ooooft we did not sleep well, even though we were shattered. Hopefully this is just the typical first night insomnia we always get 🤣. Up for breakfast and had 0.05ml, and mid morning another 0.05ml and by dinner time I’d had 2 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. We had coastal walk planned so lots of elevations and descents. In the afternoon I had a third 0.05ml and felt the smaller doses but often were far more effective than 1 big dose. We rewarded ourselves with fish and chips, and S’mores. Heavenly. Had 0.1ml for bed.

SUNDAY slept like a log, which was needed after the last 2 nights. Feeling restored and rested. Body is sore though and stiff. To be expected. Keeping with same doses today, see if this works again, 0.05ml oil and 1 etoricoxib, 1 tramadol for morning. Mid morning I had another 0.05ml dose, then afternoon followed by another 0.05ml and 1 tramadol as well, then again in the evening 0.05ml. Considering I was doing lots of steps and ascents on hills this worked well for pain, and gnawing aches. Learning that little and often is truly working better.

MONDAY Slept better, I think the sea air is helping, and our walks too. Today was a beautiful Rocky Valley Walk, and while it’s difficult in places, mostly it’s fine underfoot. The doses of 0.05ml oil X 5 a day have helped massively. Along with 2 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib. It’s been a game changer, and opened my eyes on how to make the oil work for me. My legs are brushing from the walk, as I don’t have good blood veins, so the pressure of walking does tear the fibers and creates a bruise. So to be keeping me in a manageable state of pain is impressive.

TUESDAY Didn’t sleep as well, but we slept for a long time, as it was in fits and starts. We needed the rest to be honest. Elbow is giving me a lot of pain. 0.05ml oil doses X 4 and 0.1ml for bed time today. The wind really zapped me of energy today, leg felt like a lead weight, mainly due to the psoas, but it’s also quite swollen compared to the right leg. The left legs bruises and knee pain have been twinging today, so I’ve tried to raise them up more at rest, and use ibuprofen gel as well.

WEDNESDAY It’s a rainy day, and I’m very sore, so the plan is a gentle day indoors at the Witchcraft Museum at Boscastle. Which we scrapped as the weather changes, so opted for another coastal walk around the Rumps, iron fort area. Dramatic views, crashing waves on sharp rocks, and sea as far as the eyes could see. Took 0.05ml X5 and this with 2 tramadol and etoricoxib seem to be the BEST sweet spot, so I can function, but not have peaks and troughs of pain relief. This way it’s little and often, to keep it at an even keel. Pretty impressive, to keep that back pain in check.

THURSDAY our last full day here in Cornwall, so St Nectans Glen walk, and the witchcraft museum. Planned to have 0.05ml X 4 but it ended up X 2 instead. Felt good enough to completely miss doses. Though took 2 tramadol and 1 etoricoxib. Quietly Impressed with how well the body has been coping, not to say I’m pain free as that’s unicorn status!! But manageable I will take it!

Harriet (bless her, I love to send her some love)

FRIDAY it’s traveling day, off to Glastonbury and prepare for the Witchy Fae Fairy Fayre and watching the Border Morris. So lots of sitting in the car and taking it easy today, weirdly this HURTS the back and hips so much more!! 0.05ml X 5 to cope with it.

SATURDAY it’s event day, and I took a huge Fall, landed on my walking stick so bruised the shin bone and hurt my hip and knee. Mr Moon was holding my other hand so I fell slower and nicer than I would have had he not been there. This is why we need carers!! He does so much to help me walk evenly by always holding my one side, opposite to my stick. Though I fell I stuck to the same dose of 0.05ml X 4 and 2 tramadol, 1 etoricoxib.

SUNDAY event day 2, feet are getting super sore,standing is getting hard now. More sitting needed and lots of rest wanted too. So we strolled slowly and took the decision to go home after tea in Glastonbury. Mentally I don’t want to ever go home, but body needs it. 0.05ml X 2 as again it slipped my mind to take more, even though I was aching all over. 2 tramadol and 1 etoricoxib.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

After what has felt an age, we had a gap in the rain. So boots on, it’s time to get some fresh air. Something we both needed greatly.

Some gloomy shots as it’s late in the day, but some when the light catches the trees, are like fire! Though these leaves won’t be here much longer, so it’s nice to see them before they have all fallen.

Watched the sun go down, cold toes and hands we walked back to the car, light fading and the feeling it’s the Fae’s turn to come out and enjoy the woods. Soon time to get home and warm up with a hot chocolate. Grateful this is a mere stones throw from home.

Travel, Uncategorized

We’ve been ill for what feels like an eternity! No fresh air and all the good stuff. So we attempted to have a small walk from the house, to see the Deer.

I opted to try and walk without a stick or pole, and within a few minutes I fell over 🙄

Dented my pride, bashed my 3yr old hip replacement leg (was glad it wasn’t the newer replaced side) and horribly pulled my thumb, while Mr Moon tried to save me. Oh well, could of been worse for sure, but I am bad for not picking up my feet high enough.

Pulled the joint out a bit.

Onwards we go, as it will settle down eventually. Down the haunted alley, and passed the fields, see the horses and golf course. And if we are lucky the Deer will be there.

We end the journey where the Deer are resting and watch them for a while.

So for a first walk without a stick or pole wasn’t that successful, I felt I lumbered and waddled side to side (due to leg length mainly) but we enjoyed the fresh air, it was needed.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Travel, Uncategorized