Had a few ups and downs, trials and errors. Its apparent you can easily over do it, or like me your brain thinks your hand is normal, so you go to do a normal thing, like putting a bra on, or sock and you quickly get a reminder that your hand isn’t normal.

Love that my brain isn’t broken, but hand does not appreciate being used as if I haven’t had surgery 🤣 so a few days I’ve had to go back to icing and resting up.

The exercises I’m doing 3 times a day, they do still feel achy and stiff, but improving at least, and don’t ache for as long as they did afterwards.

My hardest exercises are the Opposition as the O isn’t really an O shape yet. And then the flexion of the IP (tip) of thumb, as I feel it barely moves. But we keep going.

Tried using scissors as I had my daughter’s 30th birthday coming up, and while I used them reasonably well. It did hurt in a dull ache, and some swelling afterwards. So I needed to rest again. Seeing video of cutting paper Here

Scissors rest just after the knobbly part where metal is so close to the skin’s surface.

Did make me sore afterwards, but it was nice to wrap presents, and write a card like a ‘normie’ 🤣. I still haven’t tried straightening my hair yet, I’m cheating with asking Mr Moon to do it.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Uncategorized

On Day 52 I did a YouTube video trying all 3 of the resistance eggs See here

But it’s now Day 56, Which means it’s 8 weeks. And what a way to celebrate being 8 weeks post op, the first day of real freedom of the cast!!

Yesterday 20th May, that long awaited for and begged for day had arrived, the cast removal, then x-ray, followed by consultant appointment, and splint fitting. I had looked forward to this day for so long.

Post from cast removal last year

I had a mixture of saw (really hate it, I don’t like the vibration) and scissors. You get a pressure and sensation, but doesn’t hurt hurt. Straight away it feels stiff, weak and achy, and oh so dry.

I’m given a splint but it’s just a soft black brace. I saw the x-rays and weirdly the silicone spacer for the CMC joint replacement, you can hardly see, but you can see the figure of 8 wire and 2 pins for the MCP fusion.

First steps to moving well

I have to come back on Wednesday 22nd May for first hand therapy session. But first for now, I need a bath and try to remove all this dead skin.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized

The surgery hand is doing well, besides some aches and niggles, and mainly stiffness, around the Knuckles of the first two fingers. It’s clearly the weather causing the new pains.

The brace is back on the unoperated on hand, which had a steroid injection 17 weeks ago. It’s becoming painful not just in some movements, but also at rest. So it makes sense to wear the brace to keep the major pains at bay. My head says roll on surgery time, but we have a few months wait yet.

Check out my stretches Here I’ve been having a go on the next size up of resistance, loads harder to do, so less reps for now.

I’m also newly back to yoga, so it’s being put through its paces with downward facing dogs, planks and mountain top positions. I’m so glad I can do it. I’m not as stable as I was, but I’m up, and I hope I can only get stronger and better at it.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Life Update, Uncategorized