#ADGIFTED all thoughts and opinions are my own. I usually only pick genres I enjoy, but this year I’m expanding and trying all different styles.

Secrets of the Deep by
Marisa Noelle

Book Info
Genre: Fantasy, Mermaid, Young Adult
Length: 352 pages
Published: July 2023
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/193667636-secrets-of-the-deep

Determined to face her fear, Cordelia enters the ocean for the first time since her
twin brother was killed and learns she is from the oldest bloodline of mermaids.
Entrusted with a magical relic, it us up to her alone to break an ancient curse and
free the mermaids from the water.
But the selachii – mysterious shark shapeshifters – also have their eyes on the relic.
As tensions increase between the mermaids and selachii, Cordelia doesn’t know
who to trust. Forced to choose between love and race, she doubts every decision
and the intentions of those around her.
Trusting her head will lead to a path of betrayal, but she might just get her family
back. If she chooses her heart, the mermaids may stay cursed to remain in the
ocean forever.

Determined to face her fear, Cordelia enters the ocean for the first time since her
twin brother was killed and learns she is from the oldest bloodline of mermaids.
Entrusted with a magical relic, it us up to her alone to break an ancient curse and
free the mermaids from the water.
But the selachii – mysterious shark shapeshifters – also have their eyes on the relic.
As tensions increase between the mermaids and selachii, Cordelia doesn’t know
who to trust. Forced to choose between love and race, she doubts every decision
and the intentions of those around her.
Trusting her head will lead to a path of betrayal, but she might just get her family
back. If she chooses her heart, the mermaids may stay cursed to remain in the
ocean forever.

About the AuthorMarisa Noelle
Marisa Noelle is the writer of middle grade & young adult novels in the genres of
science-fiction, fantasy, horror & mental health including The Shadow Keepers,
The Unadjusteds Trilogy (The Unadjusteds, The Rise of the Altereds, & The
Reckoning), The Mermaid Chronicles – Secrets of the Deep, & The Unravelling of
Luna Forester. She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring
MG & YA authors. With dual citizenship, Marisa has lived on both sides of the
Atlantic and uses settings in both the USA and UK as inspiration for her novels.
When she’s not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In
the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and become part of some of
her make-believe worlds. Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could
hold a book, being an author came as a bit of a surprise to her as she was a bit of a
science geek at school. She lives in Woking, UK with her husband and three
children. You can find her on Twitter @MarisaNoelle77, TikTok @MarisaNoelle12,
or her website http://www.MarisaNoelle.com

My Review I could have done with a trigger warning for grief, I didn’t look for one, so it’s entirely my fault. However that said, I felt they described and portrayed grief in an excellent manner, and though it twinged my emotions, I wasn’t triggered in a horrible way. So thank you to the author for being so gentle and understanding the journey of grief. I hadn’t read the blurb so at first I didn’t know she was going to be a mermaid!! So having this revelation unfold was pure magick. The teen romance and awkwardness comes off the page in a brilliant way, and made this a thoroughly enjoyable read, and seen as it’s a chronicles, I will be diving in for more mermaid magic. Made a huge change for me to read about the sea and waters, a welcome change too.

Blog Book Tour, Books I've Read, Uncategorized

#ADGIFTED I am given books in return for a review, I use my own thoughts and opinions on these.

Wrath of Olympus: Ships of Britannia, Book 1 by E. M. Kkoulla

BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists and one overall winner.

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website https://www.bbnya.com/ or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @The_WriteReads.

Book Details

Length: 237 pages
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Adult
Date Published: 09 December 2020
Amazon Link: https://a.co/d/5KjlkuN (Canada)
https://a.co/d/h8ANKUo (USA)
https://amzn.eu/d/3UecmE0 (UK)
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56287354-wrath-of-olympus
The StoryGraph Link: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/86c83d93-565a-4d6f-b3ae-97d25b9bc7db?redirect=true

The Roman Empire never fell. The Gods are real. Ships are alive.

In the Province of Britannia, ruled by descendants of King Arthur and on the brink of an industrial revolution, young Maia Abella is on the run.
Something unseen has murdered her cruel mistress and she’s being blamed. The streets and factories of Portus are no place for a friendless girl, trapped in events beyond her control.
The city authorities and the Royal Navy are both desperate to find her – one investigating a killer, the other to recruit her, while the deadly legacy of a tragic past stalks her every step.
Aided by Raven, an ancient, blind Mage with a terrible secret and Milo, Crown Agent and spy, Maia must discover and overcome the fatal consequences of her birth.
Meanwhile, the Gods are making their moves. Not all of them are friendly.

Author Bio
I’m of mixed British/Greek-Cypriot heritage and live with my husband and two feline overlords, Zeus and Hades, in County Durham, UK. After many years of teaching very small children, I decided to put my degree in Classical Studies and long involvement with 17thC re-enactment to good use by combining them in my fantasy adventure series. I love history, reading, gardening and anything with gods and monsters trashing the landscape. You can find me on fb on my Ships of Britannia page and on Twitter @EKkoulla.

My Review Ooooft what a first book, we are world building but the pace feels more like a second or third book, which is fabulous. As notoriously first books can feel super slow and lose the reader. This is bam bam bam with the characters and plot, we have real world issues like over bearing abusive bosses, situations and circumstances we can all relate to at times, so it’s great to see how things pan out. Never before have I ever had a book have living ships, that communicate with telepathy, so unique in its story I make this top of my list of books to read, the bonus of this being book one, means we can all be whisked away in this world more times as the books come out!!!

Blog Book Tour, Books I've Read, Uncategorized