It’s Ostara and time to shake off the last of winter and welcome in the Spring! Honestly I need this, the long dark wet miserable days need to go and I want sunshine, birdsong and colour in the garden to lift my spirits.

Usually I would decorate our fireplace, altar area with seasonal finds from walks and places visited. But we haven’t been out on any adventures this year, and it’s rained most days, and now I’m mere days away from surgery too!! So this Ostara will be more about enjoying birdsong to herbal tea outside, small ritual acts still count.

I bought plenty of bird seed to keep them happy, though I really want the ravens to come, I have monkey nuts for them (squirrels keep pinching them) not that I mind, as they are cracking to watch as well.

Life Update, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

After what has felt an age, we had a gap in the rain. So boots on, it’s time to get some fresh air. Something we both needed greatly.

Some gloomy shots as it’s late in the day, but some when the light catches the trees, are like fire! Though these leaves won’t be here much longer, so it’s nice to see them before they have all fallen.

Watched the sun go down, cold toes and hands we walked back to the car, light fading and the feeling it’s the Fae’s turn to come out and enjoy the woods. Soon time to get home and warm up with a hot chocolate. Grateful this is a mere stones throw from home.

Travel, Uncategorized