If you saw the previous post Here (Part One) you’d see why it was put into 2 parts, one as we got soaked in the rain, literally soaked to the skin. And this part two is after the rain. As stated after waiting in the car for a while and seeing a glorious double rainbow, we headed out again to finish our walk, though a lot colder than before.

We were rewarded with dazzling reds, burnt oranges and zingy yellows, a carpet of leaves and raging waterfalls galore. More of less had the area to ourselves as that rain had put most people off walking, which is a shame as it stayed pretty dry for the rest of our walk.

We ended our walk getting snuggly in the back of the car and warmed up with some warm food and coffee.

Camping, Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

It’s our last total lunar eclipse until 2025, and while emotions and challenges may run high, take time to reflect, and shed energies and things that don’t serve you.

With this Blood moon in mind we are spending time away to spend it in nature instead. Though the eclipse won’t be seen in the UK sadly, others will be able to bask in its red colour. It will be still magickal to be out and about, and seeing autumn’s fiery colours, and watch the moon rise.

The tarot card I pulled for today was 6 of Swords, which in itself says now is the time to have faith and take that leap into the unknown, and allow yourself to step away from things holding you back, or creating a toxic space in your life.

See the calm waters, and beautiful horizon? Warmth in the colours, the calmness of the waters show this is the perfect time, to acknowledge a need to shift in location, roles and journeys. Perfect card for today!! As we set off for a forest and moor adventure.
Car Camping, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Sunday is the Full Moon, in Aries. Also known as the Hunters Moon. This month, the Full Moon will occur on October 9 at 4:55 p.m. EDT (20:55 GMT). It will appear full for about three days, so you’ll have plenty of time to walk under the moonlight.

What is the Hunter’s Moon?
The Hunter’s Moon is not associated with a particular month. In short, it is the Full Moon that comes right after the Harvest Moon.

You might recall that the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which comes in September in the Northern Hemisphere and March in the Southern Hemisphere. The Harvest Moon may occur either in September or October (and in March or April in the Southern Hemisphere).

The Hunter’s Moon is the first Full Moon to follow the Harvest Moon. This means it may take place in October or November (in the Southern Hemisphere – in April or May).

Why is it called the Hunter’s Moon?
The farmers had traditionally finished reaping their fields under the light of the Harvest Moon. By the time of the next Full Moon, the fields were clean, so the hunters could easily see the animals prowling in search of food before the winter. Moreover, at this time of the month, the Moon rises at around dusk and sets at around dawn. The moonlight allowed the hunters to track down the prey into the late evening.

However you don’t have to get outside to enjoy the Moon, you can even enjoy during the day as you often can see it. This is what I did the other day, as I’ve been poorly sitting out in the cold won’t be good for me.

Instead I took the opportunity to have a coffee outside in the sunshine while honouring the moon, and burning some Wormwood for our spiritual ancestors.

If you do pop outside, and look up at the moon, be sure to check out Jupiter that can be viewed just above, looks like an extremely bright star.

Sending Full Moon Blessings to you all

Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual