Monday was the day for a custom insoles appointment. As previously I’ve used the soft (cardboard) ones given by Podiatry, and then went onto harder ones (blue tough foam type) and used them on and off. Mostly off due to surgeons request.

However,now the lower leg reconstruction surgeon has examined me and it’s not a leg issue he can fix, my options are fix my back, or wear insoles. I’m choosing insoles and will speak to a spinal specialist asap to make sure it won’t damage the back in the long run.

I also had them at different heights, a set in 2cm and another in 2.5cms. and while it took some getting used too, I did manage until I stopped wearing as instructed by the Hip Surgeon.

We got on so well, I felt so at ease. We discussed all that had been said with Hip specialist and lower leg reconstruction specialist. And she agreed that while it may be technically true about pelvis and spine being straight when using nothing, it is making me roll the long legs ankle inward, and the short legs ankle outward to compensate for the length difference. And the knees are completely out of alignment. So adding a 2cm lift (compromise) aligns the knees and straightened ankles out, which overall should make me stable enough to finally ditch the walking stick.

We measured legs again, then stood in an impression box to take moulds of the feet. They take roughly 8 weeks to make. These will need to go inside trainers and boots. For summer I will perhaps need a flip flop building up, or a pair of sandals. But that’s something I will push more for when I see them again in 2 months time.


This week I’ve been out and about, testing my insoles, new walking boots and the heel strike movement more. And I’ve developed new pains, strains, and aches. But it’s been great for mental health to enjoy the jewels of nature.

While it’s been lovely to get out and enjoy autumn and all its colours seen here It’s been a very painful affair too. The arch of the left foot really hates the arch block (made to stop arches from falling) it really aches and makes the foot tender to touch. The insoles overall are good, but even with 2.5cm ones I’m still lurching when I’m tired, so the Trendelenburg gait is there. The low back pain I get isn’t being relieved with the insoles as of yet. This is a massive pain that’s holding me back daily.

I’ve also gained a new pain that I’ve never had before, a side of the lower leg pain, the Fibularis Longus. No idea why or how, is it over use? The insole and my legs positioning, or the leg length? Would I be better off with a built up shoe? Or perhaps insole wearing improves over the months not weeks.

As I flex the ankle it pulls up near the knee, it’s a sharp stinging pain. Possibly a nerve or tendonitis pain?? It’s going to need a fair amount of resting to settle down this inflammation.

Peroneus longus acts as a foot evertor and pronator, thus ensuring stability of the talocrural joint by curbing inversion movement of the rearfoot. Increased activation of the peroneus longus muscle in the stance phase could have a stabilising effect on the ankle joint. In a study the aim was to determine whether the activity of the peroneus longus muscle could be increased by the targeted use of a specially formed lateral pressure element in a customised orthopaedic insole. For me I think as I strike my heel down in the way I’m supposed too, it’s activated this muscle or tendon, that probably has been bypassed before.

I’m grateful for the replacements, but I feel more studies are needed on the impacts of having a Leg Length Discrepancy. It’s clearly pulling ligaments and tendons in a totally new way, as well as lengthening and shortening muscles while twisting my lower back to compensate. It’s far more complex than merely adding a shoe lift. Its impact on my overall health is massive.

Arthritis, Camping, Car Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel

It’s our last total lunar eclipse until 2025, and while emotions and challenges may run high, take time to reflect, and shed energies and things that don’t serve you.

With this Blood moon in mind we are spending time away to spend it in nature instead. Though the eclipse won’t be seen in the UK sadly, others will be able to bask in its red colour. It will be still magickal to be out and about, and seeing autumn’s fiery colours, and watch the moon rise.

The tarot card I pulled for today was 6 of Swords, which in itself says now is the time to have faith and take that leap into the unknown, and allow yourself to step away from things holding you back, or creating a toxic space in your life.

See the calm waters, and beautiful horizon? Warmth in the colours, the calmness of the waters show this is the perfect time, to acknowledge a need to shift in location, roles and journeys. Perfect card for today!! As we set off for a forest and moor adventure.
Car Camping, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual