It’s no secret that for the last 2 years we’ve been on a journey, through grief and battling mental illness, and lots of physical mobility issues, and in this time, we’ve retreated and stepped back from social lives, events, clubbing, and instead choose things that feed the soul.

We had already been walking as mobility allows, and camped, then wild camped, embarked on a car camping journey too as this is friendlier on hips and current health issues. With this we gained a greater respect for the quiet, the slow, the peace, in fact it’s quite addictive. And while it fixes the mind and it really does, it’s a shame the body isn’t so easily fixed.

Instead of racing around and being in soul sucking crowded places, we are taking time to see the changing of the seasons, embracing the windy walks, and orange colours (while they last) the raging rivers, and general stillness of the woods. Here it feels more authentic and genuine, than brightly lit shops, and blaring music, creating a stimulation overload, no wonder we get depressed. I used to dread the cold, the dark, feel low in mood and most of all stressed out.

Now I’m actively doing what the seasons and our ancestors used to do, embrace these dark nights and read books, play board games, try some crafts. Or get outside even in the rain, knowing you can soon get home and warm up again with hot water bottles and blankets. Take this quite time of the year to slow down, take stock, make hearty batch cooked foods, instead of racing to the next holiday of the year. Midwinter was a time to feast and be with those you love, giving each other blessings that we know Spring will come soon, and the dark nights and cold can’t last forever.

To help me enjoy the slow seasons more and gain more skills, I bought this book, which has crafts for each season, recipes, foraging tips and so much more. If like me you bring in most of the outdoors in, with found feathers, leaves, sticks and stones you’ve found that represent the seasons, this book is for you! So cut some Holly, bring in some Ivy, dehydrate some oranges for Christmas tree decorations, and live a slower pace.

blogmas 2023, Books I've Read, Car Camping, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Small Businesses, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

In Buxton there is a temple, this Temple was built in 1896 on the site of a neolithic burial mound. Known as Solomon’s Temple now, but was known as Grin Low Tower. It replaced an earlier building, which had probably been erected to give protection from bad weather. The construction of the Victorian folly is said to have been requisitioned by Solomon Mycock to give work to some of the unemployed in Buxton.

Photograph taken 1894 – 1930 © Historic England Archive ref: op06032

The structure is a 20-foot-high (6.1 m), two-storey tower built on top of a Bronze Age barrow, sitting on top of a ridge at a height of 440 metres (1,440 ft) above sea level. From the open top of the tower there are good 360-degree views over the town and the surrounding countryside and parts of the Peak District. The tower does not contain anything other than the staircase to the top. It is a Grade II listed building.

Car Camping, Peak District Walks, Travel

On one of the most whimsical and fairytale like walk around Errwood Hall, we found the most beautiful shrine, nestled near a wood.

The ruins of Errwood was sadly fenced off for repairs, so we couldn’t explore as we had planned. But no matter, we headed off to the family cemetery plot, and sat for a while deep in thought for those passed.

Baby frogs and crickets walked and jumped alongside us, the sun was glorious and the trees dabbled the sun for us, so we didn’t feel baked.

We came across the most beautiful shrine, just outside the trees, a round stone building with an altar, and lots of notes for loved ones who have passed.

What a day to find this, deep in our grief this day I knew would be a day of remembering, and we chose to do a walk to lift our spirits, instead this walk made us think more, but not in a bad way, instead we noticed the butterflies following is, the beautiful frogs, the crickets chirping, and birdsong, it felt like signs all around us.

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, medical cannabis, Peak District Walks, Travel

Seeing a block of sunshine, and the car semi behaving itself, we took this opportunity to grab a few days in the Peak District. Staying not too far from home, just in case the car broke more.

I had thought everyone was back to school, however it was packed with everyone enjoying this rare sunshine, and a spot of wild swimming. We had planned to dip but the crowds definitely put me off that. Daft I know as I shouldn’t let others dictate my day, however I knew I wouldn’t feel comfortable, so I opt to do it when it’s quiet.

Not to worry though, we had a full day out, and while it was immensely difficult, as the heat saps me of energy. The cannabis oil I had taken had helped with my lower back, but I am noticing how sore the older hip is due to carrying the most weight through it. I must ask the surgeon about this in November. I know walking is meant to be highly productive and good for arthritis, but it’s still very painful.

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized

Plagued with a sore throat, I think that explains how run down I felt over last week, though I’m pretty positive that my insoles have, had increased my pain too. So back to not wearing them and levels of pain have improved.

MONDAY I’m nearly out of CBD oil, so today I skipped it in the morning. Instead I took 0.1-5ml THC oil and that took me easily to tea time. I felt productive and could get some chores done.  I took 0.1ml THC oil at tea time. Followed the 0.2ml CBD oil at 11pm bedtime. Getting closer to pain free.

TUESDAY Yesterday went so well, I decided on the same doses. 0.1-5ml THC oil in the morning. I had 0.1-5ml THC early evening. Feeling a lot better than before. Ended with 0.2ml CBD oil. This might be the sweet spot. But I’m looking forward to discussing it with them next week, and re ordering.

WEDNESDAY We had some chores to do, visit some family and shop, so took the same doses as Monday and Tuesday. We also decided to pack for Barmouth the following day. Should be lovely, even though walking on sand is definitely my nemesis.

THURSDAY We barely slept so it was touch and go whether we would go, but after giving myself a pep talk, we got up and got ready to go. Using the same routine of oils, we had a sleepy relaxing day on the beach. Predictably the sand walking really tested the hip and back. So pain was present but not all consuming. Slept like a log all night. Best sleep I’ve ever had.

FRIDAY After having a groggy beach day and fearing the oil had made me more sleepy, I decided to return to 0.05ml THC oil X3 and 0.2ml CBD oil X2 and we had a wonderful day walking around the hills. I had no insoles in which did make me feel better. But this oil is helping me walk again with less back pain than prior. Wouldn’t say it’s 100% relief, but I’m certainly able to manage better.

SATURDAY A travelling home day, and while I do ache, and I am stiff, this medical cannabis oil has made life more bearable. Proper rainy day today, its seems our 2 day summer is over, so I do expect more arthritic pains. This day we did some waterfall hunting, so I had 0.05ml THC oil morning and 0.2ml CBD oil morning, near tea time I had 0.1ml THC oil which helped me stay straighter upright and eases pressure off the back. Then driving home at night, usually car sitting hurts the most, so I had 0.1-5 ml THC oil and 0.2ml CBD oil. This helped the car journey and sleeping later.

SUNDAY Loved being back in our own bed, and I did grab a hot water bottle as soon as we got home, hip flexor so swollen and sore from our walking. But slept so well, so that does set the tone of the day on a better footing. It’s a sofa and charmed rewatch day, so had 0.2ml CBD oil and 0.1ml THC oil morning and for once I feel pretty good after car camping. Usually I’m so bodily broken for days and days.

Appointment on 15th August, it’s a zoom with a Pharmacy, wonder if they will change the oils up, or keep me on the same?

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Uncategorized

We had planned beachy days, and thought the weather would play ball, but it didn’t. And weirdly we weren’t all in for just sitting on the beach, red flags said it wasn’t suitable for bathing either. So after one day of resting on a beach, which was lovely. We opted for some epic walks around Barmouth and nearby.

A circular walk through the historical Nannau estate and along the shore of Llyn Cynwch
The Precipice has a fantastic array of qualities. From habitats such as woodlands and meadows to captivating views of Snowdonia’s mountain ranges. The path will take you through part of the Nannau estate which dates back to the 12th century and is steeped in fascinating Welsh history.

The route ends on the shores of Llyn Cynwch—a working reservoir that provides nearby Dolgellau with water.

Why this path?
For a moderate walk, the Precipice offers an abundance of viewpoints across some of Snowdonia’s most striking mountain ranges. To the north stands Snowdon and the Moelwynion and to the west stand the Rhinogydd. Cader Idris, the Aran and Arenig can be seen towards the south and east.

Although the path stands at 800ft above sea level, there is little climbing and descending along the route. It can be a great option for an adventurous family outing.

Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Holy moly how is it 2 years?! I have such PTSD around around this hip, all wrapped around grief and ongoing issues. So while it’s lovely to countdown hip journeys and see your progress, it’s deeply emotional as well.

I’m grateful of most things that I can do, but I am still disappointed that the leg is long and the stress of the back is great. However if you read posts from prior posts, then you will see I’ve been trailing Medical Cannabis Oil for pain relief as well as insoles. My biggest take home, is insoles actually do make it worse overall. So they are back out of my boots. And certain doses of THC oil and CBD oil make me walk straighter thus taking pressure off the spine, which eases off pain, so that’s a win.

We celebrated by going car camping, and enjoying the beach, though it wasn’t the best beach weather, we enjoyed it and had a snooze on the beach. I’d forgotten how hard it is to walk on deep soft sand, it wore me out! And we did some walking, with no insoles, and the improvement with oil too is brilliant. Just wish my waddle would go.

The next day we had walk around the precipice, and saw some spectacular views. Kicked a few rocks which completely jar the hip flexor, and makes it not cooperate with me. But the walk was far more comfortable with the medical cannabis and no insoles. So something is working!! Yay finally.

11 days until I see the Hip Consultant, and see if he will agree to a hip steroid injection to settle the hip flexor, and if there is anything I can do to ease the pressure being put on the back and opposite hip, as this is flaring up more often.

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

Monday night last week we started our pilgrimage to Glastonbury town, ready for Tuesday night going to the Tor to watch the sun go down and come up on the Solstice Day!!

We settled for arriving at tea time, grabbing some fish and chips and finding our spot. We saw Red Deer and Barn Owls in the distance, beautiful rural area. So peaceful and warm. Heavenly first night which we needed to give us good energies for the following day.

We gently stroll around the town, visit the shops, have a Glastonbury pasty (the best) walked to the spring to visit shrines and have our quiet moments with the goddess.

We gathered our strength and slow slow walked to the Tor, spurred on by the Shamanic drumming.

I can’t describe the pain, but I’ve taken my painkillers, I took it as slow as I could to not overheat as it was boiling!! And to be precise in each step. We make it by 9.30pm.

This year I barely took photos or videos, we were just living it instead. The whole night was absolutely incredible, meeting some awesome folks.

By morning the sun is coming up around 4.45am and it’s freezing cold (what a difference to the night) we had wanted to go to the Chalice well but it didn’t open until 6.30am and I had honestly reached my level of pain, tiredness and cold. So we headed down at 5.30am and grabbed some much needed sleep.

Our Wednesday was a beautiful relaxing day, we had sunshine and good company. Once more around the shops, soaking up the atmosphere and energies. Though now the town is getting busier with the festival goers.

We ended our adventures on Thursday, our plan was the Spring and Chalice Well, which we walked bare foot, something I’ve never done before. It was divine. From the previous day’s my feet had been sore and aching so of course we walked in the healing waters of the Red Spring.

Obviously now we are feeling it!! Home and resting solidly as it’s needed. While we were away my youngest daughter mini moon herself gave birth on Solstice Day and her boy was born. What a magickal day!

Car Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

Sunday is the main day, and also our last full day. The Opening ceremony is on around midday. Here we will cast the circle and call the quarters, East, South, West and North and welcome them to witness the ritual, the Beltane fire needs to be lit, but first we have to chase off Jack Frost.

Handfasting weddings are done after the main fire is lit, this time we had 2 Beltane fires and we were all invited to walk through the two. This is to drive off the cleanse ourselves for the new energies, and new starts of spring.

The afternoon sadly became a wet fest, so we retreated to the tent for a while. Tidied up and got ourselves ready for some tea, and coffee to warm up. And once again put fire clothes on ready for the last night of fire dancing, drums and stories.

We watched the sunset in the henge, we felt the sun as it peeked out before going to its bed. The warmth on our skin was heavenly, a promise of better days to come. Can’t believe it’s all over already. Monday is a solely pack up and drive home day. I didn’t want it to end, but alas my body can’t wait for my bed and hot water bottle.

Camping, Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

After a bit of a rocky start, and seriously terrible sleep our original plan had to be quickly revised to accommodate a shorter amount of free time, and desire to drive far. So I moved our Monday plan into the Saturday slot. It’s local, pretty and it can be done in the showers of rain.

Hackfall woods was our new destination and it’s not that big, so easy to walk around. Well it should have been easy, but this leg length hurts my back too much, so it’s not easy and it’s super painful to walk around. Thank goodness there are a lot of seats and prettiness to distract me from pain.

Follies all hidden in the bluebell woods, the smell of wild garlic is divine, it’s worth the slippy mud to be around the river and see various waterfalls, streams and we even found a sandy beach by the River.

It’s raining and chilly but that doesn’t stop us enjoying the area. We have sandwiches and crisps with a flask of coffee to warm us up.

We eventually ended the walk, thoroughly spent all my pain threshold and we were hungry, hunt for a chippie was soon on the agenda. Mission accomplished. The perfect end to a glorious adventure.

Once back on site, we changed into our fire clothes (ie an outfit you don’t mind smelling of smoke) and headed off the the communal fire, for drumming, dancing and stories to be told.

After the cold of the tent, we opted to sleep in the car instead, as we’ve had many a successful sleep in the car. It proved to be a wise choice, far warmer and definitely quieter too.

Camping, Car Camping, Life Update, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual