It’s time to come home from Yorkshire and Whitby, and all that is Gothic and Dracula. And get back into normal routine at home. But we couldn’t miss the chance of seal spotting.

I’ve seen seals on TV, even one random one on a beach on holiday years ago. But nothing prepared me for the spectacular sight of 60 seals coming in from the sea, to settle on the stoney beach.

Thankfully with no human ways of getting closer (I do worry some can’t see why you shouldn’t try to get near) we just gazed at them, until our fingers and toes felt like they were freezing off.

Affectionately called the drinking dinosaur, as it looks like a rock dinosaur drinking from the sea
To see them coming up from the sea to settle, and to watch them play was a huge dream

A couple I got talking too said they had been going each month since March watching the young pups grow over time, they are still lighter in colour but now around 7months old. We could hear their little noises calling out to their mums, the adults grumbling at each other, and watch some of the most graceful elegant swimmers twist and turn with immense flexibility, become lumbering ungainly mammals on the dry land, what a juxtaposition.

After spending some time videoing them, and numerous photographs taken, it was time to head home with a long 3hour drive ahead of us. Started to rain again once in the car, so quick coffee made and on our way. Thanking our stars we didn’t have rain while seal spotting.

Forgot to say there were loads of twitchers (bird spotters there too, not the slightest bit interested in the seals!!) They were looking for a Rhoddes Warbler I believe, super rare.

Beaches, Code Orange Halloween 2023, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

It’s October and we are HERE in Cornwall, Boscastle one of my favourite places. Back to Hengar Manor but now under Park Holidays instead of Hoseasons. A cozy cottage booked for us.

The day we set off was immensely stressful, (Friday the 13th) We had a new car to go in as ours is broken, so this meant different ways to pack it as it’s smaller than ours. The rain was definitely spoiling the conditions to drive in, and traffic was terrible. Felt like every road had roadworks, but I refuse to let it get me down, or feel negative. Instead I choose to be excited for the log fire, the bottle of wine and movie we get to have once we arrive. Got there so late, so it was coffee and pizza (thank goodness we brought them) and 0.1ml X 3. Fire has to wait, they didn’t supply kindling 🤦🏻‍♀️

Didn’t sleep particularly well, but we rarely do the first night. But the English breakfast fry up was a welcome holiday treat, along with the skies being blue.

SATURDAY, We headed out to Seal hole off Beeny cliff, so a short coastal walk, and while it was windy off the sea, it was glorious and sunny. We had a plan to see the waterfall, and hope to see Seals (sadly these were elusive) but the dramatic coastline and crashing waves were a spectacular in themselves. And the waterfall did not disappoint at all, we even got sprayed as the wind whipped up the waterfalls water to us. We even caught a rainbow in the spray.

Mornings are good with our small fry ups (small so they don’t sit too heavy on the stomach) and the layout of the cottage has no stairs so that’s a godsend too. SUNDAY another day of exploring planned but shorter and not as steep as yesterday’s, as I need to recover a bit. So Tintagel Barras Nose walk, checking out Merlin’s cave, and Camelot castle hotel. Sun was glorious so it gave us plenty of time to eat a picnic and rest while looking out to sea. The sea has a way of relaxing the mind, and giving a restorative time to us.

MONDAY saw us enter the beautiful Rocky Valley, to see the cloutie tree ( we left our own cloutie and wishes) and labyrinth cravings (dated from 1800-1400 BC) walking along the babbling stream to watch it become more roaring at the Cauldron, and eventually meet the sea. The weather was mostly kind, the wind only got cold and whippy one the settlement part of the walk. Started to get exercise bruises on the legs, especially the old dvt leg, broken blood vessels and veins in that leg. So I think I need to put my legs up more. We ended our day with a glimpse of a seal swimming in the harbour, and honestly that made my day. Met a lovely couple and they recommended some places to visit, so that’s on our to do list for sure. I didn’t sleep well at night, so this morning I woke up broken, and stiff. Weather turning soon though, so can’t waste the day resting.

TUESDAY We took the couple’s advice and set off to find this beach and caves on this coastal path, as they said the Beach was easier to get too, than the one we tried to see yesterday. And it was a beautiful walk, along old now abandoned slate quarries, seeing the scars of the past etched into the cliffs. The wind was a lot stronger today, and sun barely showed its face, so we were more wrapped up. Explored some of the caves, mindful of tidal times, so we don’t get cut off. We even bumped into the couple again! Hope they were pleased we took their advice on visiting this beach 💕 it was definitely a hit for us. A few hairy bits on the way back as the wind was pushing us closer to the edge, so we took a more inland route back.

WEDNESDAY Later start than planned,but the culmination of walking and getting up early, is wearing me down. Even though we are sleeping about 8 to 9hrs. Worse weather day, so not racing to get out in the rain and wind. We decided on revisiting The Rumps coastal path, we’ve done before but we added slightly different ways, taking in all the Lead Mines and quarries along the way. Rugged coast line super emotive and powerful, alas no seals to be found.

THURSDAY Last day here really, so we got up extra early to get to St Necturns Glen, we took a different walking route in, more direct and I’m so glad we did. Following the river up to the Nature trail area, popped into the meditation room, had a few tears for our loved ones. Felt super emotional as soon as I walked in. Left our wishes and messages. And went off to pay for the waterfall. Omg what a gorgeous place, I knew it would be magickal, but even I was took back on how amazing it is. We took photos and videos, but felt like we should take off our boots and get in, get closer to the waterfall. Our feet feeling the cooling waters, just what our tired feet needed. We wandered around taking in all the sculptures and sights, looking at peacocks and local birds. Our day isn’t over though, now it’s a quick bite to eat and off to the Witchcraft museum in Boscastle. I’ve been a few times before, but I go to support them. Always wonderful to see the exhibits and learn more history. We ended the day walking to the harbour, feet are agony but what a wonderful day and perfect end to an incredible week.

Beaches, Life Update, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

It’s the School summer holidays and we had some rare dry days, so last week we visited Barmouth in Wales. We had planned a beachy time, but it was packed, and felt like sensory overload.

So we decided to do the previous posts Precipice Walk Found here and we followed it up with a Panoramic Walk and it was so beautiful.

We were lucky we could actually drive to the top, so I didn’t have to climb. But if you want too, it’s achievable from the town upwards, if unlike me have the mobility to get up there.

Arthritis, Beaches, Life Update, Travel, Uncategorized

It’s a last box (I think so) but what a box to end on. The theme is Hydration, Hydrated skin is happy skin.

I’ve been on the beach so skin is needing the extra hydration this box will provide.
#medik8 Hydr8 BY intense 8ml face is needing this from all the sea salt and sand and greasy factor 50 I’ve been using.

#philipkingsley Elasticiser sachet 40ml lovely mask to leave on hair before shampoo and conditioner. Leave on for 10 to 20mins with a towel over head.

#Glov Jade Gua Sha cool to the touch gemstone stone to help puffiness, smooth out fine lines and massage face. Use after being in the fridge for extra cooling.

#SachaJuan 30ml Ocean mist volume shampoo looks as beautiful as an ocean in the Carribbean, smells divine and I can’t wait to use it.

#eyeko Double act shadow stick in colours Cookies And Cream. Feels soft and buttery to use, a great shadow to use when on the go, super easy to pack. Summer nights were made for this.

#syrenē Aqua hydrating masque 100ml this box truly delivers with this product, beautiful cool blue, instantly sinking into the skin, leaving no residue. Soften and cool that sunburn, or tanned skin that’s thirsty. #lookfantasticbeautybox #lfbeautybox

With the usually hot weather we’ve had this is perfect. Sad to be leaving, but I do need to use what products I’ve built up over the last year.

Beaches, Beauty Boxes, Make Up, Skincare

After loving our sea view at Hooks House Farm Campsite, we left on the Saturday to move to Middlewood and meet up with some friends for the later half of our week away. Weather has improved and by 6am Saturday morning we were up and out getting fresh air as the tent was so warm.

We checked in at 12 midday, and holy moly the site was packed. We sadly haven’t got stunning views, but we are near the loo, so that’s a huge plus. We had tea with our friends and lots of beer with giggles. An excellent tonic. And a spot of cards against humanity. Didn’t get off the site all day, but we didn’t care. Walked the pups down the lane and all in all had a wicked day.

Didn’t sleep well Saturday night, so Sunday morning was a lazy affair, we all descended on our friends caravan for breakfast. As it was warm and sticky we couldn’t go out until it was cooler for the pooches. Once it was we visited Robin Hood’s Bay for some doggy training and recall on the beach.

We waded through the sea as it had cut off some parts of the walk way but it was only knee height, and a chance to cool off. And ended the evening with pork chops and salad, sweet potato wedges. We had an early night, but we didn’t sleep much better sadly. Sleep is definitely a sticking point for one of us or both. And that wears you out before you’ve even started.

We have all chairs and beds that are 90 degrees, so it’s not stress on the hips, however I am starting to struggle with pain and limitations. So home will be a welcome sight, and I’m not moving for a while.

Monday was the higher temps, so we stayed confined to the shade and caravan of our friends to keep pups safe. Felt like we were on a different holiday to before, when we were in coats freezing!! Monday was our friends birthday too, so nothing too mental.

Tuesday was our day to leave, and by 11am the temp was high 35 degrees, so we ended with saying out goodbyes to one friend, having a last breakfast with the others, before we headed off ourselves. A quick detour to the beach for some sheltered sea watching as it’s now 40 degrees.

Beaches, Camping, Travel, Uncategorized

Having 3 night here at Hooks House Farm Fylingthorpe near Robin Hood’s Bay, Yorkshire. In true typical fashion we have left  boiling heat at 28°c and gone towards a cooler  19 °c coastal air. But it should be better for me, and my sun allergy.

We have pitched where we can see the Sea, granted not as good as higher up, but the slope would of done us in. So flatter ground and relax here for a while.

View from the tent door ain’t bad I confess. Slightly windy but warm for now. The site is fairly busy but we pitched fine.

You can walk to Robin Hood’s Bay from the campsite, but it’s a steep trek and not really for people like me. So maybe drive and park up as it’s free after 6pm.

We visited the beach, though cool and windy at the time.

Second day was spent more relaxing as just traveling and strolling around had took its toll on my hip and back. We drove to Sandsend and had some waves therapy, it’s so good to sit and listen to the crashing waves, saw a couple of harrier jets which is super exciting! And then finished off the day visiting Staithes.

Sandsend, then fish and chips along the way to staithes.
Went down the norths narrowest street. Wasn’t the warmest day, and it did rain. But we didn’t care.

Rained all day on the last day at Hooks farm, weather apps said it would ease off later afternoon, so we decided a walk to waterfalls would be our aim today.

Shattered but it’s been a great site to stay at. We travel onwards to a new site tomorrow and meeting up with friends.

Arthritis, Beaches, Camping, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Travel, Uncategorized