It’s Pre Op day, and I’m back off to the ROH, to get all the checks and tests to prepare myself for my next surgery, it’s a plan to Stabilise the MCP joint, (will that be fused?) and Replace the CMC joint with a Silicone Spacer. I would have liked my middle finger stabilized too at the same time, but due to the complex nature of the thumb, the surgeon felt like this should be done at a separate time. Besides the oval 8 ring and finger compression do an excellent job.

Weirdly looking forward to a surgery date, as the Right thumb had become harder and harder to use, and pain is increasing. Needing to wear a splint daily especially at night for active rest.

It’s been 2 weeks since I had a Hip Psoas Steroid Injection, and according to my surgeon, I only need another 4 weeks before I’m allowed hand surgery. So that’s not long at all. However as we are balancing 2 surgeons and 2 waiting lists the likely hood is there will be a longer wait, but pre op covers you for 12 weeks.

Usual checks of your medical history, discuss the surgery to know you actually know what is planned, sometimes you will have urine sample needed, blood takes, heart check along with being weighed, and height checked. Pulse checked on bare feet, and hands, and a check to see how wide you can open your mouth. All run of the mill for me, and as I’ve had surgery under a year ago I didn’t need an MRSA swab.

All in took about an hour and 10 mins, so not too long. I’m handed my notes to remember, and paperwork about anaesthetic and after surgery care, and the green bag. Once you get this you are free to go home. Feels real once you get the green bag for surgery.

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Uncategorized

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