On one of the most whimsical and fairytale like walk around Errwood Hall, we found the most beautiful shrine, nestled near a wood.

The ruins of Errwood was sadly fenced off for repairs, so we couldn’t explore as we had planned. But no matter, we headed off to the family cemetery plot, and sat for a while deep in thought for those passed.

Baby frogs and crickets walked and jumped alongside us, the sun was glorious and the trees dabbled the sun for us, so we didn’t feel baked.

We came across the most beautiful shrine, just outside the trees, a round stone building with an altar, and lots of notes for loved ones who have passed.

What a day to find this, deep in our grief this day I knew would be a day of remembering, and we chose to do a walk to lift our spirits, instead this walk made us think more, but not in a bad way, instead we noticed the butterflies following is, the beautiful frogs, the crickets chirping, and birdsong, it felt like signs all around us.

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, medical cannabis, Peak District Walks, Travel

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