Plagued with a sore throat, I think that explains how run down I felt over last week, though I’m pretty positive that my insoles have, had increased my pain too. So back to not wearing them and levels of pain have improved.

MONDAY I’m nearly out of CBD oil, so today I skipped it in the morning. Instead I took 0.1-5ml THC oil and that took me easily to tea time. I felt productive and could get some chores done.  I took 0.1ml THC oil at tea time. Followed the 0.2ml CBD oil at 11pm bedtime. Getting closer to pain free.

TUESDAY Yesterday went so well, I decided on the same doses. 0.1-5ml THC oil in the morning. I had 0.1-5ml THC early evening. Feeling a lot better than before. Ended with 0.2ml CBD oil. This might be the sweet spot. But I’m looking forward to discussing it with them next week, and re ordering.

WEDNESDAY We had some chores to do, visit some family and shop, so took the same doses as Monday and Tuesday. We also decided to pack for Barmouth the following day. Should be lovely, even though walking on sand is definitely my nemesis.

THURSDAY We barely slept so it was touch and go whether we would go, but after giving myself a pep talk, we got up and got ready to go. Using the same routine of oils, we had a sleepy relaxing day on the beach. Predictably the sand walking really tested the hip and back. So pain was present but not all consuming. Slept like a log all night. Best sleep I’ve ever had.

FRIDAY After having a groggy beach day and fearing the oil had made me more sleepy, I decided to return to 0.05ml THC oil X3 and 0.2ml CBD oil X2 and we had a wonderful day walking around the hills. I had no insoles in which did make me feel better. But this oil is helping me walk again with less back pain than prior. Wouldn’t say it’s 100% relief, but I’m certainly able to manage better.

SATURDAY A travelling home day, and while I do ache, and I am stiff, this medical cannabis oil has made life more bearable. Proper rainy day today, its seems our 2 day summer is over, so I do expect more arthritic pains. This day we did some waterfall hunting, so I had 0.05ml THC oil morning and 0.2ml CBD oil morning, near tea time I had 0.1ml THC oil which helped me stay straighter upright and eases pressure off the back. Then driving home at night, usually car sitting hurts the most, so I had 0.1-5 ml THC oil and 0.2ml CBD oil. This helped the car journey and sleeping later.

SUNDAY Loved being back in our own bed, and I did grab a hot water bottle as soon as we got home, hip flexor so swollen and sore from our walking. But slept so well, so that does set the tone of the day on a better footing. It’s a sofa and charmed rewatch day, so had 0.2ml CBD oil and 0.1ml THC oil morning and for once I feel pretty good after car camping. Usually I’m so bodily broken for days and days.

Appointment on 15th August, it’s a zoom with a Pharmacy, wonder if they will change the oils up, or keep me on the same?

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Hip Replacement, Life Update, medical cannabis, Uncategorized

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