Holy moly how is it 2 years?! I have such PTSD around around this hip, all wrapped around grief and ongoing issues. So while it’s lovely to countdown hip journeys and see your progress, it’s deeply emotional as well.

I’m grateful of most things that I can do, but I am still disappointed that the leg is long and the stress of the back is great. However if you read posts from prior posts, then you will see I’ve been trailing Medical Cannabis Oil for pain relief as well as insoles. My biggest take home, is insoles actually do make it worse overall. So they are back out of my boots. And certain doses of THC oil and CBD oil make me walk straighter thus taking pressure off the spine, which eases off pain, so that’s a win.

We celebrated by going car camping, and enjoying the beach, though it wasn’t the best beach weather, we enjoyed it and had a snooze on the beach. I’d forgotten how hard it is to walk on deep soft sand, it wore me out! And we did some walking, with no insoles, and the improvement with oil too is brilliant. Just wish my waddle would go.

The next day we had walk around the precipice, and saw some spectacular views. Kicked a few rocks which completely jar the hip flexor, and makes it not cooperate with me. But the walk was far more comfortable with the medical cannabis and no insoles. So something is working!! Yay finally.

11 days until I see the Hip Consultant, and see if he will agree to a hip steroid injection to settle the hip flexor, and if there is anything I can do to ease the pressure being put on the back and opposite hip, as this is flaring up more often.

Arthritis, Car Camping, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

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