To finish off my little spotlight on mhhsbd members it’s only right I shine the light on the group that’s brought us all together, and the Man behind the directory. Here we have Darren, who after seeing fake reviews everywhere (morphe ones anyone on YouTube??) Or countless ones for Amazon products.

So back in 2017 the website was born, and all reviews are 100 % honest and unbiased. If you Click Here you can see the impressive stats and timeline of products that have been reviewed.

And here is the Small Business Members which explains who they are, what they sell and where to find them.

But what this doesn’t show is, behind the scenes, Darren and Admin run some amazing groups on twitter, and we all support, advise and uplift each other, the friendship groups, the shoulders to lean on, the real sense of community is outstanding.

Blogmas 2022, Christmas Gift Guides 2022, Small Businesses

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