It’s our last total lunar eclipse until 2025, and while emotions and challenges may run high, take time to reflect, and shed energies and things that don’t serve you.

With this Blood moon in mind we are spending time away to spend it in nature instead. Though the eclipse won’t be seen in the UK sadly, others will be able to bask in its red colour. It will be still magickal to be out and about, and seeing autumn’s fiery colours, and watch the moon rise.

The tarot card I pulled for today was 6 of Swords, which in itself says now is the time to have faith and take that leap into the unknown, and allow yourself to step away from things holding you back, or creating a toxic space in your life.

See the calm waters, and beautiful horizon? Warmth in the colours, the calmness of the waters show this is the perfect time, to acknowledge a need to shift in location, roles and journeys. Perfect card for today!! As we set off for a forest and moor adventure.
Car Camping, Life Update, Peak District Walks, Travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Pagan, Spiritual

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