43 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Arthritis, CMC joint problems, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hip Replacement, Life Update, Uncategorized

I’ve finally got a date for my steroid injection for the hip. The 14th June, so it’s next week. I honestly can’t wait, as I’m getting frustrated with how swollen the top of the thigh is, and how easy it is to flare it up, especially in my sleep!!

It was our 21st Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday and I wanted to go camping, I pictured waking up in a glorious scenic place, and finding waterfalls. But you know, we live in England and the weather has been absolutely horrendous. Not like it’s June at all. It’s super windy and wet on the Wednesday so not ideal. However we are aiming for later in the week. So wish us luck!!

I’ve been doing the exercises I shared here previously, and I’ve upped them to 2 sets at a time. I modified the Deadbugs pulse, to an ordinary deadbug but against the wall. See the exercises Here

I also added a few more moves. Keeping it very simple.

Wide squat with either a chair or wall for assistance X 8 reps
Single Arm Row (no weights yet) just to lubricate shoulders X 10 reps

And finally the Wall squat for 30 seconds

I’m mixing and matching between the previous ones and these 3 new ones, see what suits me best with the pain and inflexibility I have. Feels good to have a plan of action though, before the steroid next week.

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